Saturday, October 31, 2015

Busy Work

Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. ~ 1 Chronicles 16:33

We have all had those days, months and sometimes even years when we are completely and utterly deplete of any significant energy.  Where do you go when that happens?  After a hard day of wrestling with finances, shuffling kids here and there, dealing with difficult people and just constantly giving and rarely receiving, I often find myself sighing with relief when I finally plop into bed.  We have times in our busy lives when we just wish we could BE.  Just to close the rest of the crazy world out and plug ourselves into an imaginary battery pack to recharge, renew, and vitalize.  Sometimes I get so tired of doing the good, gracious and right "Christian" thing that I get burned out and if I am not careful, can throw myself a perfect self-pity party.  I believe will all my heart, that one of Satan's favorite ways to make Christ's children fall is to keep them so busy doing "church work" , or the "right thing" that we forget how to say "NO" sometimes and then can't hear God's voice anymore.  The result is that the relationships, the people, and the things in our lives that really matter most get just a sliver of our daily 24 hour time allowance so that those important things start to crumble.  The foundation has been compromised, the cracks start to show and the devil gets the foothold he needed to create a crater of resentment, anger, and guilt - all in the name of Jesus.  We must be on our guard!  Continuously!  We must find our strength in Christ and keep our eyes focused on him!  We must let His word be our imaginary battery pack to recharge us before it's to late!  When you feel yourself slipping, especially due to exhaustion, you better take a look at your priorities and weed out the areas the He may not have told you to be a part of and learn to say NO for you and your family.  Dare I say for your spiritual life and relationship with your Heavenly Father as well.  Seek His face and find your quiet strength in Christ and whatever He would have you do, not the world and surly, not the busy work.  Just because everyone else is running around crazed, does not mean I have too.  I long for the simple, purposeful and God breathed "busy". ~ 

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