Friday, October 30, 2015

Majestic Holiness

Who among the gods is like you, O Lord?  Who is like you - majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? ~ Exodus 15:11

With all the unique artists, musicians, writers and dancers in our popular culture, there are many who can claim to have beauty and majesty like anything we have ever seen.  How can you not see the glory, majesty and holiness in an Almighty God when you look at the beauty of creation, or when you see the many talents and abilities of great performers?  When you realize that God created, orchestrated and set into motion this massive universe, the word "majesty", or "majestic" has a whole new meaning magnified by the awesomeness of who He is.  God supersedes anything our human minds could possibly conjure up about Him and yet He embodies all our characteristics, feelings and emotions; there truly is no other God like Him.  God can give us hope when our life is in dire need; He loves though anger and bitterness, and He forgives all wrong.  God can capture my attention for hours and fill me with instant peace while I gaze at a sunset, or at perfectly painted clouds that sometimes, I feel, are there just for me because He knows my heart and soul respond to His creation of nature.  I am humbled to think that He created me.  I am humbled to think that he saved me from an eternal death void of his glory and majesty.  I have experienced how awesome in "working wonders" He is and I treasure these things in my heart.  Through his majestic holiness, He saved me even though He didn't have a guarantee I would choose Him.  He is much bigger than all of us.  There is no other God. ~

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