Wednesday, July 18, 2018

For Us

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. ~ 2 Corinthians 5:21

It's hard for me to imagine willingly giving up my amazing life for people I don't yet know, and for people who may not even accept me.  It's even harder to imagine giving up one of my sons as a sacrifice for people who may, or may not accept this gift.  Yet God allowed his one and only son to be a sacrifice for people who won't even come to accept Him; He never had a guarantee that I would become a follower, yet he still died a brutal death for me.  I am baffled and humbled to know that someone loves me enough to run after me and make me righteous with the Creator of the Universe even when I don't deserve it.  Jesus has selflessly literally lifted the burden of my sin from me just so I can have a relationship with His father, the Maker of the Universe.  In my humanness, I would selfishly want to say, "I don't want to share you with anyone else who may not want you and I certainly don't want to die for people I don't know!"  After all, who are we to deserve this great gift?  After all, who do I think I am?  It's a gift I could never repay and one that God doesn't expect us ever to repay; that's the grace of it all; an undeserved and unearned gift.  Christ never became a sinner for me; He was a spotless human being, but instead, He became my punishment willingly and at the hands of His own father for my righteousness.  I can not imagine what it must have been like for God to watch people that He himself created beat, flog and drag his son and brutally crucify him only to save those very people if they would only believe.  My humanness would have wanted to take them by their own hides and tar them before I ripped them apart after witnessing half of that torture to my son, but I am not God. I dare say Jesus was even betrayed by His own father that day for all our sins as God had to painfully turn His back on his beloved child for all the heavy weight of sin He was carrying.  Righteousness is defined as "the quality of being morally correct and justifiable".  We are righteous not because of what we have done, but because of what HE has done on our behalf.  I pray everyday I live up to the righteousness that I am clothed in because of the sacrifice of all sacrifices.  I pray I am covered in humility and I show the grace that has been shown me.  If you have not accepted this gift, you are missing out.  God did not send his son to judge you, but to love you; no matter where you are; no matter your past; let Him take it; accept His FREE gift now.  It's the best gift of all.  Life is such a blessing! ~

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