Sunday, April 14, 2019

Undeniable Peace

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you!" After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. ~ John 20:19

Oh to be a fly on the wall when Jesus reappeared to his disciples....I imagine myself having an incredibly stupid grin on my face, or stopped dead in my tracks having to pick up my dropped jaw in disbelief as I look at my savior through tears of joy.  After watching my friend, teacher, confidant and savior being lied to, arrested, spit on, jailed, beaten, tortured, crucified and stabbed  even after  death, this would be an amazing and incomprehensible moment.  Doubts would disappear.  The impossible has happened. HE IS who he said he is. One's thinking would be challenged, changed and expanded.  The trajectory of your life would be dramatically altered and everything would appear to be full of endless possibilities.  There was much fear , anxiety and chaos going on around them; it was a battlefield as they waited to see what would happen and they continued to pray that they would not end up looking like crazy fools.  I can only imagine their pleas to God; the bruises on their knees from endless kneeling; their dry mouths from endless praying.......then out of no where....there was no sign he was coming, there was no knock on the door, no one opened the door for him....HE shows up.  The peace that my savior brings is peace that calms the inner storms even though the spiritual war battles on and the outside world looks left without any hope.  The "peace that passes all understanding" is peace that pushes out fears, doubt and worry no matter how hard you might try  to think about t it.   I tried to worry about an upcoming move and the many fears I had about it (I don't  like change),  like literally tried to worry about it, but every time one negative thought tried to enter my head, it was forced out.  I  even sat in my overstuffed green chair in the front room all by myself in the early morning squeezing my eyes shut trying to think real hard of the fear and when literally nothing flooded my mind, and I mean nothing, I knew that God have served me up his perfect peace and this move was the best move for our family.  I imagine this is the peace the disciples felt; no longer worried , no longer concerned that they wouldn't make it, and so aware of the fullness of God that it flooded their minds and souls.  It will be okay.  Praise God! ~

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