Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Christ Redeemed

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written:  "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." ~ Galatians 3:13

Cursed by my sin, I should have been the one openly beaten and harshly pursued.  Not Him.  Not only did Christ bear my future sins, but the sins of those who beat him horrifically and nailed him to a  tree.  He was murdered as a criminal, as someone who has done unspeakable things and He was given the death penalty of someone who was filled with little to no remorse - a monster - yet His only crime was showing love and obedience outside of the laws, rules and regulations of the time.  But He was courageous, brave and gracious as He allowed himself to be the holy sacrifice that He knew He was meant to be even for people who would never accept Him.  Who would forever turn their backs on Him.  For people He loved even before they knew him.  Jesus' bruised, beaten, ripped and tortured body was the holding vessel of our sins so that when broken, reconciliation and healing could flow freely.  Is there any other religion, or God that would so brutally betray themselves for others?  For you?  For me?  He could have saved himself, but He CHOSE you!  He CHOSE me!  I don't deserve it and I can't earn it and I will never fully understand it.  Could you give yourself so completely and endure such mockery for others?  Even if you knew they wouldn't chose you?  Probably not.  It has been said by theologians and medical doctors a like that a "normal" human being would have died from the abuse long before being nailed to the cross.  Not to mention the unbearable weight of the whole world and the humiliation while my father had to look away.  Thank you Lord for your love, mercy and grace.  May I always honor YOU and make YOU proud.  May I always live for an audience of one. ~

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