Thursday, April 2, 2020

Foolish Money

Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom? ~ 
Proverbs 17:16

Have you ever had buyer's remorse?  Have you ever justified a purchase with, "Well, I work hard. I deserve this?"  Have you ever wondered what happened to your hard earned cash?  What happens when the month lasts longer than your money?  Look at your spouse and point the finger, only to realize you're part of the problem too?  Money can do strange things to us; it can give us a sense of freedom, a sense of entitlement, a sense of power and when used unwisely, it is dangerous.  It evaporates before our very eyes in my household if it's not brought before the "budget committee" and properly distributed.  Like so many of us, I can find so many fun things to spend my money on instead of being responsible to take care of God and then my household first.  I am not going to lie, to be completely honest, I hate talking money with my husband and often our "budget committee" meetings usually end up in hurt feelings and feelings of frustration - sometimes for no apparent reason!  I actually enjoy paying bills and we are very blessed; I know this, but sometimes when I look at what it takes to run our household I can't help but want to throw my arms up into the thin air!  Boys need shoes, school fees, lunch money, car needs tires, car needs repair, someone gets sick and needs to see a doctor and get antibiotics, taxes are due, groceries! (when will they quit going up in price?), gas!, health insurance, utilities, $100 for internet that is spotty, clothes, this is just to name a few, but you get the point.  I get frustrated, but if I keep my eyes on God and the "budget committee" keeps Him in the middle of the finances first by tithing, well then, somehow, we are ALWAYS taken care of.  It truly amazes me, but it works wonders and our needs are met and we have enough for even some of the wants we selfishly desire.  So seek Him first, even in your finances, and you'll be amazed.  Yes, it will be hard at first and you'll want to keep the tithe in your firm grasp, but give it up, even if you just start with $10 a month and build on that, it works.  God will bless you and you will have enough. ~ AMEN

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