Saturday, March 28, 2020

Carry Them

Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever. ~ 
Psalm 28:9

Have you ever screamed out to God?  Have you ever felt like He wasn't listening, or could care less?  Have you ever just pleaded with Him?  While you may be thinking, "Yell at God? No, never.  I could never do that." I will reassure you that I have most definitely dialed up my lungs to LOUD and screamed at Him telling him what a horrible job He is doing.  After all, I know my God is big enough to handle little ole me yelling at Him and I also know that He knows the inner dwellings and thoughts of my misguided heart; He already knows what I am why not just confess it?  It is refreshing to know that we serve a God that listens to us all the time and even when we don't think He is answering our prayers, or listening to them at all, we know that He ALWAYS answers; it may be a "sure", "maybe", "wait", or a flat, resounding and deafening "no".  Trusting God to know what He is doing is a pivotal part of our faith and we have to be confident that even when His answer is no (unanswered prayers), He fully knows what He is doing for our good so that we can persevere in circumstances that can seem bleak, hopeless and desperate.  As followers of Christ, we are going to be tried, tested, and put to the fire, but as long as we keep even our downcast eyes on Jesus Christ, we should be able to find hope in the midst of our faith.  I have yelled the above scripture; not in exact words, but I have yelled SAVE ME!  CARRY ME THROUGH THIS PAIN!  CARRY ME THROUGH THIS DARKNESS!  I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY, BUT HELP!   I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!  HELP ME JESUS!  BLESS ME FOR MY FAITH IN YOU AND PERSEVERING! In the midst of tremendous pain it is easy to want to blame God, but I found that when I run to Him and remain in Him I find an inner strength that I never knew I had.  Not peace, but strength first.....and if I operated in that strength, peace, a peace that I can't explain, would wash over me so that I could put one foot in front of the other and continue on fighting.  If you remain in the cycle of searching for Him, operating in His strength and pushing through with His peace, soon you will feel the angel armies helping you to victory through your storm.  Press on!  He will save you!  He will be with you forever! ~ AMEN

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