Monday, March 23, 2020

Integrity Quest

David shepherd them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.  ~ Psalm 78:72

Do you led with integrity?  With skillful hands?  One of our greatest responsibilities as Christians is to lead our families, friends and our lifestyles with the integrity of Christ's heart.  While we may rely on our pastor, ministers and people of the cloth to lead us, this enormous responsibility also rests on us as Christ followers.  Let's show this weary world what it means to be truth filled, God fearing, yet gracious and loving in a capacity that they may never otherwise see.  And let's remember to guard our hearts from the evil one and what he so desperately wants to tear through, apart and destroy.  I want to be someone that is consistent in my faith no matter what the world may want to throw my way; no matter what terrible trials I may, and will, go through.  I want skillful hands that will show God's sovereign servanthood through love, joy, truth, and faithfulness.  I believe it's so hard to always do what's right in an ever-changing world of hurt, heartache and pain, but we must trust that what God does, He does, or allows with purpose.  I want my hands and feet to be that of Jesus; even in these uncertain times, I want to be planted and reminded of God's goodness always.  I desire to be characterized as someone that is trustworthy and loyal to the call of God and the work He started in me so that I can hear him say, "Good job my faithful servant." This is not just a call for our churches and our pastors, but this is a call to the people who have decided to follow our loving Creator.  Let's lead with integrity and skillful hands no matter the cost, no matter what the crazy world may be saying, or doing and no matter what your neighbor may be doing.  Get into the Word and follow His lead. This is for everyone. What kind of leader are you? ~ AMEN

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