Sunday, March 22, 2020

Your Leaders

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you.  Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.  ~ Hebrews 13:7

Who do you look up too?  Do they exhibit the characteristics you would like to model?  What does their life look like?  Their personal life?  Their work life?  What makes a good leader?  The author of Hebrews clearly believes that a good leader is someone who speaks the word of God to you; who probably is able to quote scripture, memorize scripture and someone who takes the Word of God and applies it to their life.  God expects our lives to be spiritually fruitful and puts people in our lives who either help us produce that fruit, or He places people in our lives who we can share our produce with. What do they see as the outcome of your faith?  I know the leaders I tend to lean towards are those who show a firm foundation in the word of God and who love others even when they don't always see eye to eye.  When a non-believer can ask questions of a follower of Christ without feeling judged, but actually feel like they are being genuinely heard, that is the tender fruit of kindness.  I want to be able to speak the word of God to everyone, whether my brethren in Christ, or not, in love and I want my life to imitate a life of devoted worship to Jesus Christ without demoralizing, demolishing, or destroying the people He loves (which if you are not sure, is EVERYONE).  This does not mean I have to agree with them, but I am called to learn to agree to disagree and still love them; something our society has forgot how to do. I want to live a life of joy, a deep rooted belief and attitude that only comes from the Lord no matter what may come; the certain knowledge that Jesus Christ is with me no matter what may come my way and that I will be okay even through the tough times.   Happiness is rooted in our circumstances, but joy comes from inside; the internal happiness that no one can take away, but that we are commissioned to show the troubled world through Jesus Christ.  Lord, help me lead a life that you would be proud of and help me be the leader that you created me to be, not someone molded out of the world, but someone molded out of your word.  In Jesus Name.  ~ AMEN

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