Saturday, March 21, 2020

Good Shepherd

I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. ~ John 10:11

Have you ever wondered why Jesus choose to refer to himself as a shepherd and us as sheep?  Why isn't he a good farmer and we cattle?  Or horses?  Why didn't He just leave it has Him being the good father and us being his wayward children?  Well, because sheep are one of, if not the most, dumb animals on the face of the earth and they need someone who is always willing and available to guide them in the right direction.  Our "good shepherd" is the one and only Jesus Christ. There is none like him and there never will be. He is not meant to be confused with false prophets, false gods and false idols. He is the only one who has laid down His life for His sheep.  He would do anything for you. He has even given you the choice to reject Him, but He will always be waiting for your turned heart.   But to be a good shepherd is not only to guide, but also to coach, counsel, lead, mentor, show and tutor (according to Merriam-Webster) and Jesus Christ does all of that; all of which are caring verbs and not verbs that are force fed to unwilling hearts.  The good shepherd shows us that service comes with sacrifice and giving; to be a good shepherd one must humbly care about their sheep above themselves and become selfless in the pursuit of keeping those in his care safe, secure and healthy.  We need someone to guide us; we need someone to help us (even from ourselves sometimes), and we need someone who will leave the rest to come find us, to let us make our own stupid mistakes, but still lovingly wait for us and take us back with open arms.  Someone who will die for us, regardless.  No questions asked.  Just come back to the flock. ~ AMEN

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