Saturday, August 24, 2024

Restless Wanderer

When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you.  You will be a restless wanderer on the earth. ~ Genesis 4:12

Consequences for our actions come in many forms and touch many lives and consequences of sinful actions have even larger and sometimes longer impacts.  Impacts that can touch a family line and sometimes even nations.  We read of mankind’s first murder in Genesis when Cain becomes filled with jealousy and rage when God blesses his brother Abel’s offering over his.  And from this horrific sin, Cain will no longer be able to get crops from the ground and has become estranged from his family.  Instantly, Cain becomes a vagabond with no crops, no family and Adam and Eve lose two children and numerous possible grandchildren.  Most sin is an action of impulse from our flesh and worldly desires; a knee jerk reaction, or choice we make when we lose our focus on the Almighty followed by great consequences and guilt.  How many times have you lived with the guilt of your actions wishing you could turn back time?  It’s a terrible feeling.  Cain should have been Abel’s protector as his older brother, but instead he gives into his anger and does the unthinkable.  We read that Cain lies to God, as if he could, and tries to hide the crime, but God knows all too well what has happened.  He witnessed it.  He asks Cain in verse 10, “what have you done?  Listen!  Your brother’s blood cries to me from the ground.”  The fact is that Cain was more afraid of the consequences from God than he was sorry for having done the deed.  He was afraid to get caught; isn’t that how most sin works?  Sin, all sin, is crouching around the corners of all of our lives and we are all capable of the unthinkable if we don’t stay focused.  Keep yourself righteous and rooted in God’s word so that you may have joy, peace, and love in your heart instead of jealousy, anger, resentment, bitterness and rage.  Put Satan in his place and do not let him have a foothold.  ~ Amen

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