Sunday, August 11, 2024

Your Anxiety

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7

Christ cares. Period.  We often worry and sit in our anxiety because we don’t always trust God; in fact, maybe we trust in ourselves a little too much.  Whatever the reason, most of our anxiety is rooted in the fact that we don’t take our cares to him.  He wants to help, but we must let go.  He wants us to humble ourselves and come to Him with prayerful and hopeful hearts that God knows what is best.  Many times in my own life I have held tightly to my anxiety depending on myself and believing Satan’s lie that I must shoulder my burdens by myself.  That no one else can help, or cares.  But that is a lie.  God is faithful to help.  I need to humble myself and cast my cares at his feet.  No matter how big, or small, God promises to care for us and our burdens.  God doesn’t always take our anxiety, but when we throw our anxiety on Him, we can rest knowing that He will take care of us as we work through the stress.  You may wake up in the same circumstance, but you have more hope, more peace and more confidence that everything will be okay.  That’s our heavenly Father.  We live in a broken world where independence is considered greatness, but we were never created to do life by ourselves; to think that we must do everything on our own.  We were created for fellowship with each other and our Creator.  To put it all on our shoulders and not seek Him is extremely prideful.  No one has it all together.  We are called to throw our burdens on Jesus and let him care for us as he works everything out in his timing.  It’s all in who He is.  Being God means He can do what he wants to when he wants, but remember he is not a genie for our purposes, but He is faithful to be good all the time no matter if we understand His ways or not.  The Lord is good, He is gracious, He is sovereign and He will reign forever.  He will take care of you.  He may not take the difficulty, but he will be with you and take care of you through it if you will humbly cast it before his feet. ~ Amen

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