Thursday, July 10, 2008

Little Baker

There is something about my man accomplishing mechanical work that drives me a little crazy; the smell of sweat and grease I guess. He looks so masculine in his dirty, oil stained clothes with grease and brake fluid all over his face and in his hair; I couldn't help but grab him and give him a big smooch; mmmmmmmm! In any case, I am happy to report that my husband finished repairing the struts on his car and now we are officially a two car family; two cars that run that is. To tell you the truth, I would have given up on that car probably two weeks ago, but now I have a new respect for my man who saw his work through (one of his greatest attributes, thank God). Samuel is at the dentist office as I type this with his daddy as Sam has two cavities that need filled and I couldn't go and watch them give him a shot in his gums. What happened to the 'happy gas' I got as a child? I know he'll more than likely be a champ and handle it perfectly even with his eyes open (he does well with all the shots at the doctor's office), but I didn't want my fear of anticipation to spoil him and Cody does better with these things anyway. Isaac is playing 'baker' as he is kneading a fake loaf of bread for the oven; why does he think he needs to play with real kitchen appliances? This is a daily struggle, "Can I put this in the oven, mommy?" "No. Kids don't play with ovens, Isaac." Then I go through the whole discussion that these are not toys and no kid I know plays with find a cabinet to play in. EVERYDAY! I wouldn't be surprised if he starts making dinner for us by the time he's 12.~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...