Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Gamer

Nothing like coming back from vacation with a monstrous mount of laundry to do; I think I've done four loads today. My machines have gotten more of a workout than I have in the last week and I'm just waiting for one of them to screech "I've had enough!" and than quit. Cody is outside trying his hardest to get the last strut off his car that he needs to replace; the neighbor across the street asked him if he'd ever seen the movie Money Pit and than laughed. While that wasn't the nicest thing to say, I know he was saying it in fun and it has now become the joke of the day; we may name the car 'Pit'. Samuel is upstairs in my room watching a movie for his down time and while he swears he's not tired, I'm sure he is catching up on his sleep seems how I told him he could come down at 4:00 p.m. and it's now 4:15 p.m. and there is no sign of him; guess I'd better go wake him up. He had a great morning playing with friends at their house where the water was overflowing with add that to the lack of sleep during vacation and I'm sure he's catching some z's. Isaac has become a little gamer on the computer lately and we just recently started letting him play by himself on the Dell. He has picked it up in no time and has even showed his brother a few new games; it's amazing how fast they learn this thing. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...