Thursday, December 29, 2011

Even Darkness

Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man. ~ Psalm 112:4 (NIV)

What does this mean for you? Just think about it; I know what it means for me, but what does it mean for you? Does this promise bring you comfort, or do you shrug at it? The Lord says that even though we may be sinking into a spiritual abyss with no hope in sight right now, the Holy Spirit promises reprieve even if we can't see it, or know when it will happen. The darkness of Satan and his reign here on this earth will not accompany me to my final destination, Praise God! Satan's wickedness cannot hold a candle next to the Light of the World and will be denied entrance into the Holy of Holies. As long as we keep our faith and ourselves righteous in a very unrighteous world, then hope comes from knowing and remembering that in the end we believers know who wins and that the darkness will disappear. Keep your hearts pure, show compassion to others and be gracious to those in need whenever the opportunity arises. God will forgive our sinful ways as long as we continue to profess Him as our Lord and Savior, confess to him our sins and accept the gift he has given us through his son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our the hope rise and the darkness dissipate. ~ AMEN

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Self Controlled

Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. ~ 1 Peter 1:13

The thought of self control in a world out of control is hard to imagine. What does that look like? If we are to prepare our minds for action and be self controlled, that's kind of hard to do; especially when we want what we want now to meet this selfish worlds ranks of "success". Prepare to be self controlled; I think God Almighty knew we would need mounds of holy help here. We are to live for the home that we have yet to journey to; a home that does not exist here on Earth, but our eternal home situated in the great heavenly host. We are to practice delayed gratification; which is a lost art, instead of deadly debt. To prepare my mind is one thing, but to actually actively live that out day by dragging day is a definite challenge! There is no hard time being self controlled in criminal, sexual, illegal, or immoral activities for me, but to be self controlled with my thoughts is to take them by high command and capture them thoroughly. Someone figure out how to do that without God and I'll show you a very worldly man, for only with His mighty power can my mind by completely captured and ready for honest and holy action. ~

Friday, August 26, 2011

Without Hindrance

Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. ~ Acts 28:31 (NIV)

So often I have the opportunity to preach the word of God, but it is often WITH great hindrance and I would venture to say there is no "bold" to any kind of my lifestyle evangelism even in the slightest. Throughout my day I could run into a gamut of people pushing their life along also, but how many of them truly know that I have a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ? God expects that the gospel and the Holy Spirit would continue to penetrate this world until the very end of time; that people would continue to preach of his love, grace, wisdom and unbelievable understanding and not just with our words, but with our actions. Loving each other, caring for each other, taking a meal to an elderly couple, or even helping a single mom care for her young children could all be ways in which to boldly show our love for Christ. Making triumphal noises to the Holy Spirit when He shuts down the sometime elusive enemy is a great proclamation for Christ's children and we need to shout it out and make a joyful noise! ~

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Exalted Lord

O Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.
~ Isaiah 25:1 (NIV)

While I may not always agree, or see where God is leading me, I always find that every one of His promises are true and He is far more faithful to me than I am to Him on a daily basis. While I sometimes forget all the wonders God has performed, I still can't deny that He has defeated evil principalities that have surrounded me and my family. Amazing comfort and peace has come to me in the midst of oppressing trails and puzzling pain; which can only be explained one way - the Holy Spirit. Thank you God that you have a perfect plan for me even when I feel like I have driven this train called life into the ditch. Thank you for being faithful in the good times and in the trials. Thank you for loving me even before I loved you. Praise be your name! Please help me to be mindful of everything you have done and help me to honor you always. In everything you have planned for me, good & bad, help me to give glory to you and exalt your glorious name always. Amen. ~

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Unjust Laws

Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. ~ Isaiah 10:1-2 (NIV)

WOE TO AMERICA! WAKE UP! Absolute ignorance turns their cheek on those in need (sound like a governing system you know ? Me too). Power turns evil when used only for personal gain instead of the betterment of the world in which we live. Our need for control and power has only created rebellion rapidly shouting for unmoral, ridiculous rights and laws. But to valiantly fight for such oppression of Gods laws is not only ungodly, but will have phenomenal repercussions in the long run. Hey, don't get mad at me, I'm just the messenger...pick up a Bible again America! Not to mention the fact that the Almighty God looks on the widows and fatherless with massive amounts of lavishing love and to prey on them is to prey of God. Please take a hard look at yourself; do you like to be in charge because it fees good to have huge amounts of control over people and to secure your gain, or do you enjoy power to help those who could use your unmerited favor? In your community their are probably plenty of widows and fatherless children along with countless other hurting people that you could help. Find them and reach out to them. Do not make anyone feel less of a person, or less important; they are also God's children and made in His image incredibly designed and unconditionally loved. WOE TO AMERICA! WAKE UP! ~

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bruised Reed

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice, he will not falter, or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his law the islands will put their hope.
~ Isaiah 42:3-4 (NIV)

God requires justice; maybe not here on this faltering earth while we are here, but one day He will bring forth his mighty justice. In the same way, he will protect the innocent and the weak during times of injustice and give them the courageous strength to toil on. The real hope, strength and peace comes from knowing that true justice will come and so we can let go of the vengeful thoughts we have and trust in Him. Come to grips with what you need justice about and pray to the Lord Almighty that He would clear your thoughts and that you would be able to let go of the wrongs done to you intentionally, or unintentionally through his awesome grace. Righteousness will be gladly given to those who put their hope and sometimes smoldering faith in Him. Please hold on and remember that only His children will win in the end and final justice will then take charge! ~

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Don't Need a Family Vacation......

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being CONTENT in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. ~ Philippians 4:11-13

1. I don't need a big house;
I just need a roof over my head where I can fill loved and safe.

2. I don't need a fancy car;
just something to get me from point A to point B.

3. I don't need Starbucks coffee;
I just need something to lift me up.

4. I don't need a man;
I just need someone to listen and care about me.

5. I don't need a lot of money;
I just need enough to take care of my needs and some wants.

6. I don't need lots of flashy jewelry;
but a simple gold band would be nice.

7. I don't need Harry Potter;
I have my faith.

8. I don't need a clean toilet;
just some peace and quiet from the kids when I'm using it! Can I get an AMEN!

9. I don't need fine furniture;
just a soft place to rest, relax and snuggle with my kids and husband.

10. OK, I don't need a brand new dining room set,
but how about some chairs that don't have to be duck taped together.

11. I don't need gifts - who cares about gifts?
I cherish your friendship and time.

12. I don't need a lot of books,
just hand me my Bible please.

13. I don't need religion,
I need Jesus Christ with his salvation and amazing love.

14. I don't need lots of friends;
just a couple good quality ones who I can depend on.

15. In fact, I really don't even need a lot of GREAT friends;
I just need friends who will be there when I lose my patience with life.

16. I don't need portraits;
my boys' artwork gives Picasso a run for his money.

17. I don't need a spotless home;
I need a comfortable, inviting, "lived in" home.

18. I don't need a Ipod;
just give my boys a guitar and a microphone.

19. I don't need an email address - that's to impersonal;
my pen and paper work just fine.

20. I don't need anti-depressants;
I need someone to hear my inner cries and try to understand.

21. I don't need cheesecake;
I need some spice in my life - a change.

22. I don't need Tabasco Sauce;
but I do need some kind of kick in my pants!

23. I don't need new clothes;
I just need new found self-esteem for the ones I have.

24. OK, I don't need designer clothes,
but I do need some new clothes that fit - even if they are from the thrift store.

25. I don't need water to quinch my thirst;
I need the Living Water.

26. I don't need romance;
I need stability and security to know I am loved.

27. I don't need the beach;
just give me a hose and a plastic kiddy pool.

28. I don't need to map out my life - it's not in my hands;
I just need to trust.

29. I don't need a new body;
I just need to learn how to love this one.

30. I don't need makeup;
my husband believes I'm naturally beautiful.

31. I don't need a five course meal;
I've learned that pancake batter is good for just about any meal.

32. I don't need perfection;
I just need to know that I'm doing the best I can.

33. I don't need perfect grades from my son;
I just need him to know that his best is awesome!

34. I don't need your rage;
I have enough raw feelings of my own.

35. I don't need a lot of fanciful literature;
my some gives me great stories everyday.

36. I don't need eight hours of sleep;
one or two nights of good uninterrupted sleep would suffice.

37. I don't need a plasma big screen;
curled up in bed with my 3 inch screen and a wholesome TV classic is good enough for me.

38. I don't need to watch a scary movie for shock value;
sometimes all I have to do is look at the world we live in.

39. I don't need another diet;
I just need to quit going back for 3rd's and 4th's. It tastes so good!

40. I don't need to remind my husband of his mistakes;
I need to help him move through them ---for US.

41. I don't need a new life;
I need to find contentment in the one I have.

42. I don't need a lot of book knowledge;
I need common sense knowledge.

43. I don't need you to know all of my accomplishments;
I need to learn humility.

44. I don't necessarily need peace and quiet;
I need inner peace.

45. I don't need baby girls! I have two wonderful, amazing, beautiful, brilliant, caring,
compassionate, determined and devoted adult daughters thank you!

46. I don't need you to agree;
I just need to voice my thoughts.

47. I don't even need your advice;
I just want and need to be heard.

48. I don't need to relax;
I just need a break from needy people.

49. I don't need to trust you;
I need to trust Him - the one true God.

50. I don't need more children;
I love the two boys God gave me.

51. I don't need a cell phone;
I need to slow down and loosen my ties to the phone.

52. I don't need a wedding ring;
I need you to open up to my first.

53. I don't need an appointment book;
I just need dinner out with my good friends.

54. I don't need a watch;
the sun tells me when to go to bed and when to wake up.

55. I don't need a "Family Fun" night;
I need to learn to have fun with my family a little every night.

56. I don't need a fancy ring tone on my cellphone;
I just wish it would ring - HELLO!

57. I don't need the latest and greatest video game device;
playing a board game, or an outdoor game with my children is just as fun.

58. I don't need a lot of birthdays;
I just want to know that the ones I have count.

59. I don't need manipulation and guilt;
I need to learn to stand up for myself and my family.

60. I don't need to go to the movie theater;
I just need to find a good movie the whole family can enjoy together curled up on the couch.

61. I don't need a camper trailer;
some of our best adventures have been in our shelter of a tent under the massive sky.

62. I don't need a pillow feathered mattress;
I'm thankful I'm lucky enough to have a sheltered bed.

63. I don't need a high paying job to feel important;
I am happy to be employed by my two little gentlemen executives.

64. I don't need my children to be successful - that's all relevant;
I need them to be healthy and happy.

65. I don't need your undivided attention all the time;
I just want to be the first person you talk to when you come home instead of the computer.

66. I don't need a gym membership;
I just need to get outside and take a brisk walk in this great mountain air.

67. I don't need a lot of help;
just a few good friends that I can count on to take my kids when I need a moment.

68. I don't need to take more vitamins, or medicines;
I just need to wash my dirty hands more often.

69. I don't need my children to grow up;
I need to cherish these moments I have with them as little ones.

70. I don't need to be surrounded by people to feel loved;
I just need the love of God to fill me up.

71. I don't need everyone to like me;
I just need my kids to smile and know they are loved.

72. I don't need money and riches;
I just need my family around me.

73. I don't need TV everyday;
I just need someone to make me laugh.

74. I don't need answers;
I just need someone to listen to my questions.

75. I don't need a treadmill;
I find that if I run around outside with my kids it's just as exhilarating.

76. I don't need to be in control all the time;
I need to learn to let go a little and be spontaneous once in a while.

77. I don't need a successful career;
I need a family friendly job.

78. I don't need to be a nagging wife;
I need to be an encouragement to my man!

79. I don't need Scotch;
I have found that cheap wine is great!

80. I don't need your apologies;
I need you to accept me as me.

81. I don't need you to question;
I need your belief and trust.

82. I don't need beautiful skin;
I need a gorgeous character.

83. I don't need luke warm passion;
I need red hot desire.

84. I don't need retail therapy;
I need to get back to the basics of saving.

85. I don't need more "stuff";
I need contentment.

86. I don't need to run & hide;
I need to stand up and fight.

87. I don't need to "get a grip";
I need to learn to let go more often.

88. I don't need to be a dream killer;
I need to be a dream encourager.

89. I don't need to worry about what other people think;
I need to worry about what God thinks.

90. I don't need justification;
I need to believe in myself.

91. I don't need empty words;
I need genuine sincerity.

92. I don't need apathy;
I need empathy.

93. I don't need to be belittled;
I need to be encouraged.

94. I don't need company;
I need a good night of conversation with my sister.

95. I don't need a dog;
I think our hamster is a great pet for my boys.

96. I don't need your ego;
I need you to be real.

97. I don't need fortune and fame;
I need self-worth.

98. I don't need "toys" - they don't last;
I need quality time with my family.

99. I don't need "busyness";
I need to live simple and less hurried.

100. I don't need a big family vacation;
a family camping trip is just fine. ~

Friday, January 14, 2011

One Another

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. ~ John 13. 34 (NIV)

Who do you love? How do you love? It's interesting to me that Jesus felt the need to give us a new command; evidently this has been a problem from the beginning of time. But why? Why is easier to be selfish and sometimes cold hearted rather than kind? What does it look like to love one another? When my oldest son lets his little brother play his Nintendo DS, that's showing love. When my husband delivers a meal to a hungry family, that's love. But sometimes those types of acts are few and far between. It's easier to say "no" and to keep to ourselves instead of reaching out. However, we are called to an absolute, life changing love - love AS CHRIST HAS LOVED YOU. That's heavy, I don't care who you are! Especially to our own families and our fellow believers. Now what does that look like? I'm embarrassed to say that for me, the ones I love the most are the ones who get the leftovers. So we must love one another; we must turn the unscathed cheek and offer it up. Don't get me wrong, we still need to be firm and tough in some situations, but we need to speak and actively act with love as our premises ALWAYS. This is not an easy task. In fact, it's a daunting, difficult task, but by daily choosing intentional love, I can only imagine the benefits. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...