Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Good Byes"

We have a ton going on today and I wish I had the nerve to tell people that I'm sorry, but I just can't fit you into the calendar between now and Monday; we need to finish getting this house packed! I love the fact that people want to meet with us and say good-bye, but it's starting to stress me out; it's not like they want to help me pack while they say my last two days have been filled with "good-byes" and little packing and I'm starting to freak that we will not be ready by Monday. Cody is on his way to Fort Collins for an appointment with one last client who feels the need to meet before we go and I was planning on doing some more packing, but instead we have people on their way over and I can't handle it! I needed this time to finish the upstairs and start, START on my bedroom; oh well, it may be a late night tomorrow night, but that's just the way it goes. Samuel and Isaac are being good about getting rid of things and they are being good about packing up their toys too. We made sure they packed two small bags of toys that they would like to have with them while the rest are in transition and so may not see until Tuesday; Samuel understands, but I'm not sure Isaac does. He keeps asking me, "When are we going to see our toys again?" and when I try to explain to him that they are all moving to the mountains with us, he gives me a strange look. Well, I guess I'd better quit blogging, more like venting today, and get on with the packing. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...