Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fresh Breath

Can you believe that I almost forgot what today, more like tonight is? I was just going along with my daily chores when my husband came in with a bottle of wine and the statement, "We may want some of this for tonight." For a brief moment I thought to myself tonight? which was shortly replaced with, oh yeah! 2009! WHAT! 2009! My favorite day is tomorrow! You get a clean slate, a new year, a blank piece of paper, a fresh sheet of snow, a renewing, a refreshing, a "reset" button, a chance to redeem yourself, a chance to become who you wanted to in the previous year, new adventures, and if you're like me this year, a new place to call home with joy and anticipation as to what that holds. I LOVE JANUARY 1st! But let me first say, "God, I'm ready to see what you have in store for me and I am thankful for everything you did last year! Thanks again!" I wake up with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for giving me, my family and my friends another year and I let go of the past. THAT'S IT! That's why I like a new year so much! While typing this it has become clear to me that why I love January 1st is because I can shut the door on all the past mistakes again and I can move forward with new vigor. I like it because when I wake up on the first day of the new year, I feel as though I've walked through an open door where glorious colors and gardens with a gentle breeze invite me in and where I can declutter and dejunk myself. It's like taking in a deep, fresh breath of life. Whether that makes any sense to anyone else but me I'm not sure, but I see that vision even now as I'm writing. I only have five more hours before I embark on a new journey on a new road and I can't wait; it's one part letting go and 90% anticipation that I thrive on. It's extrordinarily exciting, don't you think?!~


The Bird said...

I love what you wrote. It so true. Thank you for reminding me.

iacovetto said...

Neener!! You are completely correct! The new year is a beautiful time of year!! Imagine if we let our selves feel this refreshment everyday! Thank you for the reminder!! Life is a beautiful thing!! I love you so much and I am very grateful that time has allowed us to grow very close to one another and as a family!! You mean the world to me!! Thank you for being you!!

Submit Yourselves

Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ~ James 4:7 Trust.  It’s all about trust.  In today’s world w...