Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fresh Breath

Can you believe that I almost forgot what today, more like tonight is? I was just going along with my daily chores when my husband came in with a bottle of wine and the statement, "We may want some of this for tonight." For a brief moment I thought to myself tonight? which was shortly replaced with, oh yeah! 2009! WHAT! 2009! My favorite day is tomorrow! You get a clean slate, a new year, a blank piece of paper, a fresh sheet of snow, a renewing, a refreshing, a "reset" button, a chance to redeem yourself, a chance to become who you wanted to in the previous year, new adventures, and if you're like me this year, a new place to call home with joy and anticipation as to what that holds. I LOVE JANUARY 1st! But let me first say, "God, I'm ready to see what you have in store for me and I am thankful for everything you did last year! Thanks again!" I wake up with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for giving me, my family and my friends another year and I let go of the past. THAT'S IT! That's why I like a new year so much! While typing this it has become clear to me that why I love January 1st is because I can shut the door on all the past mistakes again and I can move forward with new vigor. I like it because when I wake up on the first day of the new year, I feel as though I've walked through an open door where glorious colors and gardens with a gentle breeze invite me in and where I can declutter and dejunk myself. It's like taking in a deep, fresh breath of life. Whether that makes any sense to anyone else but me I'm not sure, but I see that vision even now as I'm writing. I only have five more hours before I embark on a new journey on a new road and I can't wait; it's one part letting go and 90% anticipation that I thrive on. It's extrordinarily exciting, don't you think?!~


The Bird said...

I love what you wrote. It so true. Thank you for reminding me.

iacovetto said...

Neener!! You are completely correct! The new year is a beautiful time of year!! Imagine if we let our selves feel this refreshment everyday! Thank you for the reminder!! Life is a beautiful thing!! I love you so much and I am very grateful that time has allowed us to grow very close to one another and as a family!! You mean the world to me!! Thank you for being you!!

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...