Friday, December 5, 2008

Checked Out

I am tired of packing; I'm exhausted! I want to write out Christmas cards and can't; I want to do something other than packing, but I really can't. With Cody going to get the truck on Sunday and us loading it up that same day, I really need to make sure everything is ready....can't wait until Monday when we are on the road and I know that at least half the "fun" of moving is over. Cody is out with Clint having a beverage, beer no doubt, and getting in his last goodbye with his younger, but old friend. Today Cody and Isaac went and had lunch with Chelsea and Danielle; Isaac came back smelling of his older sisters' perfumes and so I know he relished in a few nice, tight, bear hugs before coming home. Samuel checked out of school today and while I expected him to come home a little sad, I was glad to see that he made it home without a tear and in good spirits. Everyday I have been praying that God would help the boys (particularly Samuel) make this move, transition and adjustment well as his friends and teachers have had a hard time of it; more than I thought they would I have to I was glad he came home okay and still excited to go. I watched Mickale and Maliya for the last time today and I have to say that it was more emotional for me at 4:00 p.m. than I would have liked it to be. I felt like I was losing my own children, after all, I have had Mickale since she was 8 weeks old and now she's 2 and even though I have only watched Maliya for a year, I was still sad - I guess I've developed an attachment to them I hadn't planned on. So now we look forward to Monday - our move day, and while I am sad about leaving so much here, I have to remember that there people on the other side of the hill excitedly awaiting our return. We're on our way! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...