Friday, November 28, 2008

Another Thanksgiving

Well, another Thanksgiving is over and I am so blessed and thankful for so much; friends, family, health, God's direction and the plentiful food we ate yesterday and everyday just to name a few. We spent this Thanksgiving with Chelsea, Quentin (Chelsea's boyfriend) and Danielle and had a wonderful time giving thanks, stuffing our faces, reminiscing and playing a little Nintendo. I wish everyday could be like Thanksgiving - just hanging out with family, eating, sleeping and not worrying about much at all. However, all great things must come to an back to life today; which included my husband going up to Ft. Collins for an appointment this morning. He will be back in time to visit with his sister, who is on her way to our house, and than over to the Anderson's for another great time of fellowship and food tonight. I am packing up my kitchen and books with my friend, Majeel, who has turned up to help me and I am more than thankful for that also. I have to say that the packing is coming along nicely, or so I think; now watch, come next Monday the 8th I'll be stressing out because I still have a lot more to do than I thought I would, HA! HA! Samuel and Isaac are going through their stuffed animals and toys today to get rid of the ones they really don't play with anymore and then their rooms will be almost done. Now for the closets .............~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...