Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Place

Cody is upstairs watching the Broncos game, the kids are watching The Polar Express for their rest time movie and I just finished putting groceries away. Whew! Sunday mornings were busy down in Denver, but with the added 25-30 minute trip to church one way and the crowds we fight to grocery shop afterwards, I am exhausted. When we got home Samuel said, "I'm tired." AMEN to that! Cody has requested my "football dip" for half time and so that will be part of our newly implemented "left over" dinner menu for tonight. I don't know about you, but I am tired of throwing away perfectly good food every week and there is really no good reason for whether they like it or not, "left over" night starts tonight. Actually, we'll see how long this lasts, they may be making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before to long as I think I'm the only one in this house who truly likes left overs. Samuel has made this move, adjustment, and transition very well; it's amazing that I was really concerned about him with school and all. He has made a handful of new friends and has even had one over to play already; plus there already is a girl in his class by the name of Morgan who just can't stop talking about "the new boy, Sam", or so her mother tells we go. It's Isaac, who so desperately wanted to move up here months before we did, that is having a little trouble. He just can't seem to figure out where all his friends from Denver we are on a mission to make new ones. He says, "I like living here, but I don't have any playmates" and who can blame him, after all he always had two little girls at his heels and I think he's kind of lost without them, but we have a play date scheduled for next week with one of my friends and her 3 year old I think that will help. Plus I've already plugged us into a MOPS group and a bible study as soon as they both start back up after Christmas, I think he will be just fine; his same schedule, just a new place. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...