Thursday, April 2, 2009

Silver Lining

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:11

Have you ever seen an adult throw a tantrum? I mean a three year old tantrum? What did you think? Unfortunately, a lot of us we get caught throwing tantrums merely out of pure selfishness. We live in a country that beckons us to a sense of entitlement and when we don't get it we throw ourselves into a frenzy. My son loves to have what I call a "foot stomping" tantrum; you know the kind, when he doesn't get his way he jumps up and down and throws himself onto the floor. How many of us do that? Maybe not in that way, but have you ever thought Why does it always work out for them and not for me? Boo hoo hoo. Doesn't that sound like a child? Oh please, I know you have been there - you're human, and I will admit that I've been there more than once. How about the "it's not fair" syndrome? Have any of that going on? In these economic times I think a lot of people are probably saying that, and you know what, to some degree it's not fair. Don't get me wrong, there have been people beyond our control who have helped put us in this financial crisis - no doubt, but is it really ALL their fault? Or where you trying to keep up with "The Jones" because after all, and hear me out....we deserve it? So, we try to live beyond our means because apperance is everything and pride gets in our way, or maybe because we simply don't like to tell ourselves NO. Well, who ever said we deserved everything? Who ever promised us that? OURSELVES! If we deserved everything than we have to take the bad with the good too, but no one wants to do that. There is a silver lining to this recession, and let me just fill you in on what it is: we are learning the value of what is really important and it doesn't have everything to do with money. We are "growing up" more in character and learning to leave a different kind of legacy for our children. A legacy that doesn't revolve around the almighty dollar that then doesn't cause us to throw fits when we don't get what we want and one that in royal return helps us to leave behind the ungodly childish behavior. Praise God! There is hope in this recession silver lining! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...