Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever. ~
Psalm 28:9
Have you ever screamed out to God? Have you ever felt like He wasn't listening, or could care less? Have you ever just pleaded with Him? While you may be thinking, "Yell at God? No, never. I could never do that." I will reassure you that I have most definitely dialed up my lungs to LOUD and screamed at Him telling him what a horrible job He is doing. After all, I know my God is big enough to handle little ole me yelling at Him and I also know that He knows the inner dwellings and thoughts of my misguided heart; He already knows what I am why not just confess it? It is refreshing to know that we serve a God that listens to us all the time and even when we don't think He is answering our prayers, or listening to them at all, we know that He ALWAYS answers; it may be a "sure", "maybe", "wait", or a flat, resounding and deafening "no". Trusting God to know what He is doing is a pivotal part of our faith and we have to be confident that even when His answer is no (unanswered prayers), He fully knows what He is doing for our good so that we can persevere in circumstances that can seem bleak, hopeless and desperate. As followers of Christ, we are going to be tried, tested, and put to the fire, but as long as we keep even our downcast eyes on Jesus Christ, we should be able to find hope in the midst of our faith. I have yelled the above scripture; not in exact words, but I have yelled SAVE ME! CARRY ME THROUGH THIS PAIN! CARRY ME THROUGH THIS DARKNESS! I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY, BUT HELP! I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE! HELP ME JESUS! BLESS ME FOR MY FAITH IN YOU AND PERSEVERING! In the midst of tremendous pain it is easy to want to blame God, but I found that when I run to Him and remain in Him I find an inner strength that I never knew I had. Not peace, but strength first.....and if I operated in that strength, peace, a peace that I can't explain, would wash over me so that I could put one foot in front of the other and continue on fighting. If you remain in the cycle of searching for Him, operating in His strength and pushing through with His peace, soon you will feel the angel armies helping you to victory through your storm. Press on! He will save you! He will be with you forever! ~ AMEN
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
Integrity Quest
David shepherd them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them. ~ Psalm 78:72
Do you led with integrity? With skillful hands? One of our greatest responsibilities as Christians is to lead our families, friends and our lifestyles with the integrity of Christ's heart. While we may rely on our pastor, ministers and people of the cloth to lead us, this enormous responsibility also rests on us as Christ followers. Let's show this weary world what it means to be truth filled, God fearing, yet gracious and loving in a capacity that they may never otherwise see. And let's remember to guard our hearts from the evil one and what he so desperately wants to tear through, apart and destroy. I want to be someone that is consistent in my faith no matter what the world may want to throw my way; no matter what terrible trials I may, and will, go through. I want skillful hands that will show God's sovereign servanthood through love, joy, truth, and faithfulness. I believe it's so hard to always do what's right in an ever-changing world of hurt, heartache and pain, but we must trust that what God does, He does, or allows with purpose. I want my hands and feet to be that of Jesus; even in these uncertain times, I want to be planted and reminded of God's goodness always. I desire to be characterized as someone that is trustworthy and loyal to the call of God and the work He started in me so that I can hear him say, "Good job my faithful servant." This is not just a call for our churches and our pastors, but this is a call to the people who have decided to follow our loving Creator. Let's lead with integrity and skillful hands no matter the cost, no matter what the crazy world may be saying, or doing and no matter what your neighbor may be doing. Get into the Word and follow His lead. This is for everyone. What kind of leader are you? ~ AMEN
Do you led with integrity? With skillful hands? One of our greatest responsibilities as Christians is to lead our families, friends and our lifestyles with the integrity of Christ's heart. While we may rely on our pastor, ministers and people of the cloth to lead us, this enormous responsibility also rests on us as Christ followers. Let's show this weary world what it means to be truth filled, God fearing, yet gracious and loving in a capacity that they may never otherwise see. And let's remember to guard our hearts from the evil one and what he so desperately wants to tear through, apart and destroy. I want to be someone that is consistent in my faith no matter what the world may want to throw my way; no matter what terrible trials I may, and will, go through. I want skillful hands that will show God's sovereign servanthood through love, joy, truth, and faithfulness. I believe it's so hard to always do what's right in an ever-changing world of hurt, heartache and pain, but we must trust that what God does, He does, or allows with purpose. I want my hands and feet to be that of Jesus; even in these uncertain times, I want to be planted and reminded of God's goodness always. I desire to be characterized as someone that is trustworthy and loyal to the call of God and the work He started in me so that I can hear him say, "Good job my faithful servant." This is not just a call for our churches and our pastors, but this is a call to the people who have decided to follow our loving Creator. Let's lead with integrity and skillful hands no matter the cost, no matter what the crazy world may be saying, or doing and no matter what your neighbor may be doing. Get into the Word and follow His lead. This is for everyone. What kind of leader are you? ~ AMEN
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Your Leaders
Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. ~ Hebrews 13:7
Who do you look up too? Do they exhibit the characteristics you would like to model? What does their life look like? Their personal life? Their work life? What makes a good leader? The author of Hebrews clearly believes that a good leader is someone who speaks the word of God to you; who probably is able to quote scripture, memorize scripture and someone who takes the Word of God and applies it to their life. God expects our lives to be spiritually fruitful and puts people in our lives who either help us produce that fruit, or He places people in our lives who we can share our produce with. What do they see as the outcome of your faith? I know the leaders I tend to lean towards are those who show a firm foundation in the word of God and who love others even when they don't always see eye to eye. When a non-believer can ask questions of a follower of Christ without feeling judged, but actually feel like they are being genuinely heard, that is the tender fruit of kindness. I want to be able to speak the word of God to everyone, whether my brethren in Christ, or not, in love and I want my life to imitate a life of devoted worship to Jesus Christ without demoralizing, demolishing, or destroying the people He loves (which if you are not sure, is EVERYONE). This does not mean I have to agree with them, but I am called to learn to agree to disagree and still love them; something our society has forgot how to do. I want to live a life of joy, a deep rooted belief and attitude that only comes from the Lord no matter what may come; the certain knowledge that Jesus Christ is with me no matter what may come my way and that I will be okay even through the tough times. Happiness is rooted in our circumstances, but joy comes from inside; the internal happiness that no one can take away, but that we are commissioned to show the troubled world through Jesus Christ. Lord, help me lead a life that you would be proud of and help me be the leader that you created me to be, not someone molded out of the world, but someone molded out of your word. In Jesus Name. ~ AMEN
Who do you look up too? Do they exhibit the characteristics you would like to model? What does their life look like? Their personal life? Their work life? What makes a good leader? The author of Hebrews clearly believes that a good leader is someone who speaks the word of God to you; who probably is able to quote scripture, memorize scripture and someone who takes the Word of God and applies it to their life. God expects our lives to be spiritually fruitful and puts people in our lives who either help us produce that fruit, or He places people in our lives who we can share our produce with. What do they see as the outcome of your faith? I know the leaders I tend to lean towards are those who show a firm foundation in the word of God and who love others even when they don't always see eye to eye. When a non-believer can ask questions of a follower of Christ without feeling judged, but actually feel like they are being genuinely heard, that is the tender fruit of kindness. I want to be able to speak the word of God to everyone, whether my brethren in Christ, or not, in love and I want my life to imitate a life of devoted worship to Jesus Christ without demoralizing, demolishing, or destroying the people He loves (which if you are not sure, is EVERYONE). This does not mean I have to agree with them, but I am called to learn to agree to disagree and still love them; something our society has forgot how to do. I want to live a life of joy, a deep rooted belief and attitude that only comes from the Lord no matter what may come; the certain knowledge that Jesus Christ is with me no matter what may come my way and that I will be okay even through the tough times. Happiness is rooted in our circumstances, but joy comes from inside; the internal happiness that no one can take away, but that we are commissioned to show the troubled world through Jesus Christ. Lord, help me lead a life that you would be proud of and help me be the leader that you created me to be, not someone molded out of the world, but someone molded out of your word. In Jesus Name. ~ AMEN
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Good Shepherd
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. ~ John 10:11
Have you ever wondered why Jesus choose to refer to himself as a shepherd and us as sheep? Why isn't he a good farmer and we cattle? Or horses? Why didn't He just leave it has Him being the good father and us being his wayward children? Well, because sheep are one of, if not the most, dumb animals on the face of the earth and they need someone who is always willing and available to guide them in the right direction. Our "good shepherd" is the one and only Jesus Christ. There is none like him and there never will be. He is not meant to be confused with false prophets, false gods and false idols. He is the only one who has laid down His life for His sheep. He would do anything for you. He has even given you the choice to reject Him, but He will always be waiting for your turned heart. But to be a good shepherd is not only to guide, but also to coach, counsel, lead, mentor, show and tutor (according to Merriam-Webster) and Jesus Christ does all of that; all of which are caring verbs and not verbs that are force fed to unwilling hearts. The good shepherd shows us that service comes with sacrifice and giving; to be a good shepherd one must humbly care about their sheep above themselves and become selfless in the pursuit of keeping those in his care safe, secure and healthy. We need someone to guide us; we need someone to help us (even from ourselves sometimes), and we need someone who will leave the rest to come find us, to let us make our own stupid mistakes, but still lovingly wait for us and take us back with open arms. Someone who will die for us, regardless. No questions asked. Just come back to the flock. ~ AMEN
Thursday, March 19, 2020
No Fear - Part 2
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
Let me ask you a question....what have you been experiencing in these last couple of days, weeks? I am sure you see, hear and can even feel the same fear, uncertainty, and panic that I have witnessed. For days now, maybe even a couple of weeks, our grocery stores have had a haerd time keeping toilet paper on the shelves and yesterday I noticed that the produce shelves are pretty bare now as well. When the local sheriff's department had to be called to help out at a grocery store in our relatively small town because people where stealing items from other people's carts, I began to think, "People have done did lost their minds." How sad. Fear is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as this, "an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation, or awareness of danger." There is no doubt that we are living in scary times and I don't want to minimize those feelings for people as everyone's experience is different and everyone's experience matters....but let me offer you some hope.
* 1918 Influenza (the first H1N1 virus) - 500 million people infected worldwide; 50 million deaths worldwide and about 675,000 here in the US.
* 1957-1958 H2N2 Virus (Asian Flu) - 1.1 million people infected worldwide; 116,000 deaths in US.
* 1968 - H3N2 Virus - 1 million people infected worldwide; 100,000 deaths in US.
* 2009 H1N1(again) - 60.0 million people infected; 274,304 hospitalized in the US; 12,469 deaths in the US.
My point is, yes, this is scary, but people before us HAVE experienced this and been through this and some of us HAVE seen this kind of thing and we WILL be okay; we may not be okay according to OUR standards, but we will be okay. I have loved ones who I want to keep safe, I have family and friends concerned, I myself, am not going to lie... am not to concerned, but I think it's eery. This sucks; it is what it is. I work in a high school that has been shut down until at least April 20 and I don't like it; I like my job; I feel sad as the end of any school year is so much fun, even for staff, and not it may be just suddenly, abruptly done. I have a high school senior who feels sad, sad to him that he may not get to do the last fun stuff of the big "SENIOR YEAR" and possibly won't be able to walk across the stage. But here is what my son is so good at....perspective, "What about the college seniors? What about the NCAA senior ball players who have just be stripped of something they have worked so hard at for many, many, many years?" Sad. And it's okay to be sad. It's okay to grieve. We are all in this boat together and a lot has been, and will probably continue to be lost in the next weeks, maybe even months to come. People are losing jobs, hope, will lose retirement savings, our economy, cars, houses, lets be brutally honest - family, friends, loved ones. But let me offer you some hope.
Let me ask you a question....what have you been experiencing in these last couple of days, weeks? I am sure you see, hear and can even feel the same fear, uncertainty, and panic that I have witnessed. For days now, maybe even a couple of weeks, our grocery stores have had a haerd time keeping toilet paper on the shelves and yesterday I noticed that the produce shelves are pretty bare now as well. When the local sheriff's department had to be called to help out at a grocery store in our relatively small town because people where stealing items from other people's carts, I began to think, "People have done did lost their minds." How sad. Fear is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as this, "an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation, or awareness of danger." There is no doubt that we are living in scary times and I don't want to minimize those feelings for people as everyone's experience is different and everyone's experience matters....but let me offer you some hope.
* 1918 Influenza (the first H1N1 virus) - 500 million people infected worldwide; 50 million deaths worldwide and about 675,000 here in the US.
* 1957-1958 H2N2 Virus (Asian Flu) - 1.1 million people infected worldwide; 116,000 deaths in US.
* 1968 - H3N2 Virus - 1 million people infected worldwide; 100,000 deaths in US.
* 2009 H1N1(again) - 60.0 million people infected; 274,304 hospitalized in the US; 12,469 deaths in the US.
My point is, yes, this is scary, but people before us HAVE experienced this and been through this and some of us HAVE seen this kind of thing and we WILL be okay; we may not be okay according to OUR standards, but we will be okay. I have loved ones who I want to keep safe, I have family and friends concerned, I myself, am not going to lie... am not to concerned, but I think it's eery. This sucks; it is what it is. I work in a high school that has been shut down until at least April 20 and I don't like it; I like my job; I feel sad as the end of any school year is so much fun, even for staff, and not it may be just suddenly, abruptly done. I have a high school senior who feels sad, sad to him that he may not get to do the last fun stuff of the big "SENIOR YEAR" and possibly won't be able to walk across the stage. But here is what my son is so good at....perspective, "What about the college seniors? What about the NCAA senior ball players who have just be stripped of something they have worked so hard at for many, many, many years?" Sad. And it's okay to be sad. It's okay to grieve. We are all in this boat together and a lot has been, and will probably continue to be lost in the next weeks, maybe even months to come. People are losing jobs, hope, will lose retirement savings, our economy, cars, houses, lets be brutally honest - family, friends, loved ones. But let me offer you some hope.
📌 China has closed down its last coronavirus hospital. Not enough new cases to support them.
📌 Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine. They are going to suggest same medicine, globally. (Happened this morning, 3/19, if you watch the news).
📌 Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against Coronavirus.
📌 A 103-year-old Chinese grandmother has made a full recovery from COVID-19 after being treated for 6 days in Wuhan, China.
📌 Apple reopens all 42 china stores.
📌 Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID-19 test that gives results in hours, not days.
📌 Good news from South Korea, where the number of new cases is declining.
📌 Italy is hit hard, experts say, because they have the oldest population in Europe.
📌 Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a Coronavirus vaccine.
📌 A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid-19 research.
📌 Doctors in India have been successful in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine. They are going to suggest same medicine, globally. (Happened this morning, 3/19, if you watch the news).
📌 Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have found an antibody against Coronavirus.
📌 A 103-year-old Chinese grandmother has made a full recovery from COVID-19 after being treated for 6 days in Wuhan, China.
📌 Apple reopens all 42 china stores.
📌 Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID-19 test that gives results in hours, not days.
📌 Good news from South Korea, where the number of new cases is declining.
📌 Italy is hit hard, experts say, because they have the oldest population in Europe.
📌 Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a Coronavirus vaccine.
📌 A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent progress in Covid-19 research.
📌 A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid-19 vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore.
Although it seems to be getting much worse, these are all positive signs it will get better. I think we could all use this right now.
Above all, I find comfort in the Word; the Word of God. There are so many great scriptures on fear in the Bible, in fact, did you know there are 365, one for everyday of the year. I don't find that a coincidence. I have had 2 Timothy 1:7 on my mind for weeks now as I hear these stories of people living in fear forgetting how to be kind and compassionate, but instead hoarding abundant amounts of toilet paper and other items for themselves; which is not helpful at all. People, breathe, you need a sound mind. I am confident that I have the power within me to fight off this awful fear and to face the danger square on with reasonable expectations in order to help my family, friends and loved ones. People, breathe, you need a sound mind. I don't think God finds glory in us trampling others down, but instead He wants us to use this time to lift each other up; to get back to the basics. People, breathe, you need a sound mind. I believe with all my heart that everything happens for a reason and this is one of God's callings to His people to be bold and proud and show your school spirit! LOL! He wants us to reach out and help, spend this beautiful, forced slowed down time with your family; get to know your children again, get out the books, get out the games, get out the drawing tools, get out the play-doo, go for walks, go for hikes, love each other! Love each other and breathe. Press into Him! Do not fear! I am with you! The lilies of the field, nor the birds of the air worry, why do you (Matthew 6:26-34)? Yet another reminder that we are not in control. Breathe, wash your hands, be mindful of others with gentleness and kindness, but do not fear. Fear gives way to worry, worry gives way to stress and hopelessness, and hopelessness, often times, leads to despair and destruction. Reach out to others and be their hope. Be their sound mind. ~ AMEN
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Submit Yourselves
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. ~ James 4:7 Trust. It’s all about trust. In today’s world w...
When I was a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. ~ 1 Corinthinas ...
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