Saturday, September 28, 2024

Count Blessed

As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered.  You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about.  The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. ~ James 5:11

We all have trials and tribulations in life and James is encouraging us to continue to be faithful to God even in our difficulties.  Amid great persecution and destruction that God allowed to touch Job, he never renounced his faith in the Almighty.  His children were killed, his livestock stolen, his servants destroyed and his body was overtaken with great sores - yet he persevered.  Justice was ultimately given to Job when everything was restored plus more was given to him and God was given much glory.  Anger, bitterness and self-pity can penetrate our souls when we go through trials, but we are called to keep our eyes on God and persevere through whatever comes our way.  Beautiful diamonds are created using great pressure and the same can be true of our faith as we wait patiently and faithfully on the Lord.  Non-believers can get swallowed up in dismay, but we are called to count our trials as great joy as they can produce glorious fruit in Christ if we would just hold on and keep our eyes focused on Him.  Jesus endured the greatest trial of all and God’s glory was shown brilliantly and mankind benefited greatly from his trial.  If Jesus had to endure trials, why wouldn’t we?  And even though we may never understand the reasons for our trials, we can be living testimonies of God’s goodness when we are patient and persevere through it.  There will be times in your life when you will question why you are going through something.  May I suggest that it is to strengthen your faith, to be an example of Godly patience and perseverance for others and ultimately to bring glory to God alone.  May we focus our eyes on Jesus, who is the perfecter of our faith, and persevere. ~ Amen

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