Saturday, September 28, 2024

Serve Masters

No one can serve two masters.  Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve both God and money. ~ Matthew 6:24

“Just look at what you have spent your money on this week and you’ll be able to see where your heart lies,” my Pastor said from the pulpit and my stomach turned.  The truth of the matter is I didn’t think, or even ever dreamed that I put money first, but do I?  Am I consumed with thoughts of God, or my bank account?  When we are more concerned about our material well-being over our neighbor in need, God may not be first in our lives.  Being a follower of Jesus means putting others first and serving, even with our money; which is in direct opposition to the act of acquiring for ourselves.   We have to be intentional about using our wealth for Kingdom gain instead of our own personal gain.  Totally upside down from the world’s view.  To put others first even in our finances does not come naturally.  All of us know the world goes round and round by money and with money.  Jesus isn’t telling us that having money is a bad thing, but he is making it clear that money and God both battle for first place in our hearts and we must be careful not to let money win; it’s a heart issue.  There will be a choice to make at least once in your life regarding these two masters.  Are you going to help your friend make her bills this month, or are you going to go ahead and stick this extra in the retirement fund?  Do not become a slave to materialism as money will become your master.  Trust that God will take care of His believers who serve God with their money and put others first.  This does not mean Christians who serve God cannot have money, or things.  Jesus is not suggesting that His followers become destitute.  Money for a follower of Jesus, with the heart of a servant, is another tool to be used to further the gospel of Christ.  He is merely pointing out that there can only be one master of your heart.  Make sure you are a servant of God instead of a slave of money.  As for me ... .well, let’s just say I am a work in progress. ~ Amen

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