Sunday, September 22, 2024

Weary Doing

Let us not become weary doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Galatians 6:9

I am tired, I am exhausted and sometimes I just want to be selfish and throw in the towel and think only about myself.  Sometimes I feel like I give and give and give and no one is filling me back up.  Juggling the needs of my family, making a meal for a sick co-worker, answering the call to help a friend move and watching my neighbors animals while they go on vacation all in one weekend has proved to push me to the end of my rope.  Now more than ever, I need to lean in and find rest in Jesus.  Jesus also had to find alone time and rest during his time here on earth….so what makes me think I can do without rest?  Jesus is the best example in always doing good, but knowing how and when to rest as not to grow weary in our quest of doing good.  I know as a follower of Jesus I am called to do good and I want to do good, but we must be conscious of not getting disgruntled, or tiresome.  He didn’t give up on us and we must never give up on the mission He has left for us.  Instead, we must strive to be Christlike - to love God and love people.  To show the love of Christ through our walk, talk, and to help others.  To be the hands and feet of Jesus in a changing culture.  Being a light to non-believers of a fulfilling life full of love, joy and peace that they do not see in the world’s way of living.  And we must not give up gently planting the seed of the gospel so that God can grow that seed into a new believer.  Till the hearts, plant and wait patiently.  Repeat.  Do not grow weary and you will see good deeds become a great harvest.  Jesus will continually fill us up when we come to Him to keep doing His work.  He will reward us for our perseverance and for not giving up.  Keep on planting for the harvest will be great! ~ Amen

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