Sunday, September 29, 2024

Have Labored

But I said, “I have in vain; I have spent my strength for nothing at all.  Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand and my reward is with my God.” ~ Isaiah 49:4

There are times in our lives when we feel like the mundane is overwhelming and exhausting.  The daily chores that we do day in and day out with little gratitude from others, but that must be done nonetheless.  What about living in kindness; turning the other cheek; giving and giving and giving some more?  Sometimes we wonder if it’s all worth it.  We doubt, we question.  I believe in my heart that I am where I am supposed to be, but am I making any difference?  Sometimes it’s just so hard to tell.  We may get discouraged, but we must remember where our ultimate reward comes from.  Who it comes from.  My goal is to continue to give God glory and to plant as many seeds as I can for Christ.  The world needs Him desperately; they need the free gift of His redemption and grace.  But in a world that is so self-reliant and a bit narcissistic, sometimes I feel like even my best efforts are to no avail.  My encouragement comes from knowing that it’s the Holy Spirit’s job to turn the hearts over and it’s my job to keep planting.  It is a difficult world we live in, but if we stay focused on our mission and lean into God, we will find encouragement.  We may not be rewarded here on earth, but my ultimate reward will come from the Creator of the universe.  There is always reason to have hope in Christ so as not to give in to discouragement.  I am sure God felt discouraged as he watched Israel falter back and forth from Him many times.  I am sure Jesus felt discouraged at times as he led twelve misfits and again when He was in the garden asking God to take this cup (the crucifixion) from Him.  The Messiah of the universe felt all the feelings we feel and still fulfilled his mighty purpose.  Let us not get discouraged, but keep going on and let God take care of the rest.  Being called a follower of Jesus was not a promise of a discouraging free life, but we know we still have hope and faith that even through our heartache God will be faithful and just.  Let’s keep moving and keep our eyes on the prize! ~ Amen

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