Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Residing Pain

What is with this blinding eyebrow headache I have had since this morning? The recommended daily dose of Tylenol, nor the flowing water going through my system has yet evicted this pain that has taken up residence in the frontal lobs of my head. UHG! Cody went to pick up Samuel from school and then he will go to pool league tonight at which point I will probably have to fight with my Sam to do his homework. Supposedly Samuel gets frustrated with the timing I pick to make him do his homework; he told his dad, "Homework is not so bad, it's just that mom always waits until I'm in the middle of something before she tells me I need to start it." HA! While I think he'd probably always be in the middle of something when I asked him to do it, I will take note of his statement. Samuel and Isaac both received buzz cuts over the weekend just in time for the chilly air, but I couldn't stand the 'sticking up smooth down' we had to do every morning before Samuel was pushed out the door for school. Happy meals from Sonic was the treat and dinner of the night if they would endure my request for shorter hair; so coney's and tots for all! Isaac can't STAND getting his hair cut; he whines the whole time because he doesn't like the sound of the clippers. Oh well....such is life. Today we had MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and he said he got lots of compliments on his hair...so I know that made him feel like it was all worth it. ~

Friday, October 17, 2008

Happiness Redefined

Happiness is being revealed to me in new ways almost every other day, or so it seems, as my old view of this destination is being replaced the more my faith deepens. There was a time when I used to think that happiness came from the amount of money I had in the bank and while that does help (let's be honest), I am learning that is not the true happiness my Lord wants me to strive for. Somewhere along the way I had created my own definition of happiness which revolved solely around my circumstances and situations. Now my definition has been challenged, refined and sometimes painfully conformed to this: happiness is being content with what you have and are. Oh boy, I think that's what the Word of God has always told me about happiness, it's just taken me a while to get there (still working on it) and to let the world's view sluff off.

Enough about that....Cody is upstairs playing with Mickale as she is the only kid here right now seems how Isaac is at preschool and I don't have Maliya today. Now he's taken to clipping his fingernails over the kitchen sink; between those lovely shards of nail, the bits of beans and ham from dinner last night and the chew that my friend's husband spits down our drain every time he comes I bet that garbage disposal needs a good disinfectant. HA! HA! ~

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Take Stalk

Parents who want their children to look up to them and follow their same religious views need to sell out to these views FIRST before their children should be expected to follow suit. Where is this coming from? Well, I have a friend out of state who I am concerned about and praying of over the fact that she is one of the "church" going people on Sunday, but during the rest of the week does whatever else she pleases. Now she's so confused on why they are having trouble with their pre-teen listening to them and why their son is acting out. This should be a now brain er, common sense, YOU CAN NOT EXPECT YOUR CHILDREN TO DO WHAT YOU TELL THEM IF YOUR ACTIONS DON'T FOLLOW SUIT! But, like I've said before, what is common sense to me isn't always common sense to everyone else; it sure would be easier if it was. Not that I have it all figured out by any means, but that is a blatant conflict in some homes and I think it's our right as friends in Christ to keep each other accountable.

Enough about that...I have had a full house of children today as I took on a couple extra and then we had a play date with a dear friend and her family bringing the total of kids to seven for lunch; nutty, but a good time. I'm ready for a nap. ~

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Day

Well, I had a lot planned to do today, but I ended up playing cars, Rescue Heroes and Spyro the video game with my four year old. Now my feet are really sticking to the kitchen floor and my sons' laundry is so heaped up it may take a couple loads all it's own. Cody just pulled into the driveway with Samuel, Isaac and Brianna; the school pick up load and so I'm sure I'll hear, "Mom, what's for snack?" in the next few minutes. My husband spent the majority of the day down at the Tech Center office and now he has a few things to finish up here tonight before I go out to dinner with Danielle and he hangs with the boys. Samuel brought home some AR books (books that he tests on at school) to read tonight as he needs to push himself a little more with the reading curriculum. They would like him to be at a second grade level by the end of the semester...so hopefully extra reading time at home will be the remedy. Isaac, Mickale and I journeyed over to the park this morning for a little fresh air as my four year old was going a little nutty here at home. We were invited to a play date this morning, but my son didn't feel like going and so while I thought it would be great to get some extra cleaning done instead we ended up at the park. Oh well. ~

Monday, October 13, 2008

Wonderful Weekend

The kids had a wonderful weekend with their father as I went to a women's retreat up in Keystone with my church. They truly did stay in the same underwear all weekend and they didn't brush their teeth except for on Saturday morning when they went to visit their sister. I had an extraordinary weekend with my good friends and was blessed tremendously by the speaker and our "hang time" in a beautiful mountain town. I came back refreshed and ready to conquer the world and all that's wrong with it; I am empowered! I have always said that I don't want more children, let alone a girl (sorry if that offends anyone), but after seeing all the moms and daughters this weekend sharing such an intimate time I have to say it crossed my mind; although it passed quickly. I pray my boys will one day be able to go with Cody on a men's retreat and experience the same greatness and closeness with their earthly father and their heavenly father. Cody went to volunteer at Samuel's school this afternoon for an hour before the day is out; I'm so thankful to have a husband who is involved in his children's school and daily activities and wants to be, not out of obligation, but want. Thank you, Jesus! ~

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Aching Couples

Creating a fun, family time with my two boys and my husband can be as easy as a game of Candy Land in candle light. How about the "Family Movie/Fun Nights" we have when we take turns deciding what the family will do on a weekend night? Our tradition usually is to let the boys pick and if they pick a movie night than one picks the movie and the other picks the food and then we rotate the next weekend. Sometimes they pick Lakeside Amusement Park instead of the movie, but you get the idea; we have a blast as a family. But what about our marriages. What about having a "Couple Weekend" or at least a "date night". I am amazed at the amount of people who put their husbands/wives on hold while they raise a family. Did you forget that the most important relationship we model for our children, outside of our relationship with Christ, is our relationship with our spouse? What if we took half as much time for our spouse ALONE as we do for our family and friendships; you know, when the kids are gone you will still have your spouse and I pray I'll still know how to talk to mine and know even who he is.

Enough about that....Cody is downstairs trying to wrap up some business before tomorrow because come 1:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon he will have the boys all to himself for the weekend. YIKES! But I am so ready for my weekend with my God and close friends; what a blast we have! ~

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Retreat Weekend

Not much going on here today; which I have to say is a quiet reprieve from our normal busy week, but I do like being home...so this is nice. There is laundry to be done, paperwork to be filed and a couple kitchen cabniets that need dusted out, but I really don't feel like doing any of them...so here I am. Cody is down at his Tech Center office today and so I may be able to actually find the time to go to our basement office and do some work, but let's be honest, I doubt it (cause even if I could find the time, I don't want too). This weekend I am going to retreat with the women from our church and I absolutely can't wait; I love these women and we always have such a great time togethr. Not to mention that I will be able to seep myself into God's word and not have any distractions around me. YES! My Samuel has informed me that I won't be missed much, well, he didn't say it in that many words, but he did say,
"So, mom when are you leaving?"
"Not till Friday afternoon." I answered.
"Well, we are going to have a great time with boys weekend. We're not going to make our beds, change our underwear, brush our teeth, or sleep in our beds. We're going to sleep in your bed, or on the couch bed and daddy says we're going to eat junk food all weekend. I can't wait!"
"Me either!" pipes up my Isaac from the next room.
I guess they are kind of having a retreat of their own - a no rules retreat. HAVE FUN BOYS! The rules WILL be implemented again come Sunday night. ~

Monday, October 6, 2008

Enabling Children

Those parents who fight all their children's battles, are they really teaching them anything, or are they enabling their children? There are definitely times when our children need help and I am not talking about any child under the age of 12. I'm talking about our pre-teen, adolescent and young adult children who should know the difference between right and wrong. There are numerous selfish, self-absorbed and incapable young adults and teenagers out there who feel like we owe them the world and I'm suggesting it's because we, as parents, have done everything for them, given them everything they asked for, and won't acknowledge when they screw up...so in fact, we have created these low relationship functioning adults because we have more than paved the way for them to feel self-righteous.

Cody is downstairs taking some tests and continuing education that is due on Wednesday; with the economy the way it is there is more then enough for the professionals in his business to keep busy with, look over and ponder. Samuel went back to school today after being home for two and a half days with a fever virus, but he was more than ready to go to school today. During the wee hours of Sunday night his fever broke causing him to sweat profusely all over his pillow, and his pajamas while his head looked as wet as if he just got out of the shower. Isaac is playing with Mickale and Maliya (the little girls I watch); although I think he may be bugging Mickale more than actually playing. He's trying to show her how the toy she has in her hands works and she is not having it; she wants to do her own thing with this particular toy and Isaac just won't have any of that either. He has to make sure she knows how it is SUPPOSED to work. Oh my! ~

Friday, October 3, 2008

Explained Consequences

The day rarely ends without one of my kids getting into trouble and most certainly without, at the very least, a stiff reprimand from me. This day is no different. My son gets into trouble, gets sent to his room to wait for me, gets disciplined and after I give him a hug and kiss we move on through our day. Except that then he asks me a question that proves to have a valuable teaching lesson, "Why do I still get in trouble if I say I'm sorry?" Today was the day that I explained to my child that even though you may be sorry, your actions still have consequences. After our talk I thought to myself how much of that lesson we teach versus how much we as a society actually follow through. I know all kinds of people who get into trouble, but who have very little, if not any consequences; especially if their wallet holds a hefty sum of money. My four year old asked a great question that we should all ponder, if there are consequences to our actions, how come we don't have to answer to them all the time as adults? My husband is over at our church helping with the bushes that were pulled and the aftermath of the mess that made. They wanted to get rid of all the shrubbery in the front of the church and now with all that they pulled out they need to find something to do with the dirt mess before Sunday. My oldest son has been home for the last two days with a "fever virus"; as soon as the Motrin wears off his temperature runs back up to about 102.5. He was sent home Wednesday afternoon at about 2:30 p.m. with a fever of 101.5 and a headache; hopefully he'll feel better soon. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...