Thursday, October 9, 2008

Aching Couples

Creating a fun, family time with my two boys and my husband can be as easy as a game of Candy Land in candle light. How about the "Family Movie/Fun Nights" we have when we take turns deciding what the family will do on a weekend night? Our tradition usually is to let the boys pick and if they pick a movie night than one picks the movie and the other picks the food and then we rotate the next weekend. Sometimes they pick Lakeside Amusement Park instead of the movie, but you get the idea; we have a blast as a family. But what about our marriages. What about having a "Couple Weekend" or at least a "date night". I am amazed at the amount of people who put their husbands/wives on hold while they raise a family. Did you forget that the most important relationship we model for our children, outside of our relationship with Christ, is our relationship with our spouse? What if we took half as much time for our spouse ALONE as we do for our family and friendships; you know, when the kids are gone you will still have your spouse and I pray I'll still know how to talk to mine and know even who he is.

Enough about that....Cody is downstairs trying to wrap up some business before tomorrow because come 1:00 p.m. tomorrow afternoon he will have the boys all to himself for the weekend. YIKES! But I am so ready for my weekend with my God and close friends; what a blast we have! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...