Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Another Day

Well, I had a lot planned to do today, but I ended up playing cars, Rescue Heroes and Spyro the video game with my four year old. Now my feet are really sticking to the kitchen floor and my sons' laundry is so heaped up it may take a couple loads all it's own. Cody just pulled into the driveway with Samuel, Isaac and Brianna; the school pick up load and so I'm sure I'll hear, "Mom, what's for snack?" in the next few minutes. My husband spent the majority of the day down at the Tech Center office and now he has a few things to finish up here tonight before I go out to dinner with Danielle and he hangs with the boys. Samuel brought home some AR books (books that he tests on at school) to read tonight as he needs to push himself a little more with the reading curriculum. They would like him to be at a second grade level by the end of the hopefully extra reading time at home will be the remedy. Isaac, Mickale and I journeyed over to the park this morning for a little fresh air as my four year old was going a little nutty here at home. We were invited to a play date this morning, but my son didn't feel like going and so while I thought it would be great to get some extra cleaning done instead we ended up at the park. Oh well. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...