Thursday, October 16, 2008

Take Stalk

Parents who want their children to look up to them and follow their same religious views need to sell out to these views FIRST before their children should be expected to follow suit. Where is this coming from? Well, I have a friend out of state who I am concerned about and praying of over the fact that she is one of the "church" going people on Sunday, but during the rest of the week does whatever else she pleases. Now she's so confused on why they are having trouble with their pre-teen listening to them and why their son is acting out. This should be a now brain er, common sense, YOU CAN NOT EXPECT YOUR CHILDREN TO DO WHAT YOU TELL THEM IF YOUR ACTIONS DON'T FOLLOW SUIT! But, like I've said before, what is common sense to me isn't always common sense to everyone else; it sure would be easier if it was. Not that I have it all figured out by any means, but that is a blatant conflict in some homes and I think it's our right as friends in Christ to keep each other accountable.

Enough about that...I have had a full house of children today as I took on a couple extra and then we had a play date with a dear friend and her family bringing the total of kids to seven for lunch; nutty, but a good time. I'm ready for a nap. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...