Sunday, November 27, 2016

My Shield

But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high. ~ Psalm  3:3

Have you ever wondered why things are happening to you, or why bad things happen to good people?  Have you ever wondered when you will get out of this depressed slump you are in, or even if there is any hope?  Being in a funk, or having one wayward thing after another come after me can be overwhelming.  In my darkest times, I truly felt like I wrestled with God and the Holy Spirit as my soul cried out without any control of my own.  Sometime I can't imagine how a problem can be solved, or how I will get through today, let alone the next few days.  God is the only one who has promised me that He will always be with me and I stand on those promises knowing, without any doubt, even if His answer isn't my answer, that He can and will pull me through the tunnels of trouble.  Committing myself to His will and obedience is a life long goal and dream of mine that I expect great reward from - including light in the midst of every dark cloud; beauty from ashes.  I have to remember that I am able to rise above life's troubles because of the grace, mercy and peace He has bestowed on me just for being a faithful servant.  I know there will be trials ahead that I never even saw coming, trails that will test my faith and bring me to my knees, trails I probably can't imagine right now, but I pray that my faith is strengthened daily so as never to lose sight of who is allowing these trials and to hang on while the fire is hot and my faith is, hopefully, refined.  I pray I never leave, or lose my faith because of a difficult situation; I pray I run to Him with more vigor than turning my back.  He does not always answer my prayers the way I want, or expect, but He does make known His will if I ask, listen and wait.  After all, a NO answer is still an answer.  I go to Him in good times and I go to Him in bad times with an expectant heart. ~

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Great Power

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. ~ Ephesians 1:17

I yearn to know my Lord and Savior better everyday.  I get that He is a loving, faithful and gracious God, but I want to be wholly consumed by Him.  I believe with all my heart that if I diligently seek His face, He has no choice but to reveal more of himself to me.  In fact, He promises too.  Every once in a while I feel a sweet nudge, hear a gentle whisper, and experience unimaginable and unspeakable joy that reaffirms my God is with me.  I want more of Christ and less of may human desires and flesh.  I want to have joy that is only explainable because of my close relationship to my Creator.  I don't want to be worldly-minded; I want to be eternally-mindful and full of love as He is; without judgment.  So why not ask God to give me wisdom and revelation that only He can give me?  No where else can I find it.  I long for the Spirit to work in me and through me and for the fruit of the Spirit to be evident in me by my love, joy, faithfulness and peace.  I want abundant power to overcome my doubt and unbelief and to exude Christ's grace and mercy.  Only through God's strength and the power of the Holy Spirit can I have victory over Satan and that is a battle I don't intend to lose. ~

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Formed Being

....the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. ~ Genesis 2:7

The very air in my lungs is a direct gift from God alone.  God didn't deliver air directly into anything else He created, but reserved this special gift for the creation of the human race.  God is the source of all life, but distinctly set us apart from the animal kingdom when He literally breathed His breath into Adam's hairy nostrils.  We are the crown creation of God's workmanship and He was thoughtful, creative and careful when He molded the first human together using the earth's dust and His own breath.  He was just as thoughtful when He created you.  He gave us life and as such, He should be the only one who decides when our numbered days have run out.  He knit us together in the care of our mother's womb for His glory.  Like the many blessings we receive everyday, we need to recognize that He blesses us with the breath of life everyday for HIS purposes; even when the world is a blasted mess around us and we cannot conceive what is going on, or even why we are still here.  We are a handy work crafted together by a Creator who also graciously gifted the opportunity to have a relationship with him and to bring Him glory.  So the next time you feel unwanted, unloved and just plain ordinary, remember that you were hand formed for a fantastic purpose and thoughtfully knit together by the hand of the God of the universe Himself for a specific purpose that only He can give you.  Live on! ~

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Painful Discipline

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening - it's painful!  But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. ~ Hebrews 12:11

How are children supposed to know the true, or right way to live if we don't teach, guide and discipline them?  They don't!  We are all born into a sinful nature and our human instincts do not always have our best interest(s) at heart.  Even as adults we sometimes need to be re-directed and guided so that we can rebuke ways of thinking and be open to instruction before our discipline turns into severe consequences.  Sometimes God allows us to go through hard times so He can discipline us as a way of refining, or pruning back some off the very character traits we have been asking His help to change.  God's discipline shows us His love through assurance that He doesn't want to see us fall flat on our face when we think we know better than Him, but He will allow the fall if need be.  The Lord uses discipline to call us back to Him and His ways so that we would not become consumed by this broken world.  God uses trouble to test us, strengthen our faith, as a way to prepare us to help others and comfort them, or just so that we may be a light for this heavy world as they watch us go through hard times with grace and trust in Him.  Persevere my friends and lift your head up!  Endure the hardships God leads you through knowing He is with you.  He is FOR you! You shower the world with much hope and optimism when you fight with grace and truth.  Submit to God's will and continue to live for Him so that you can be called His children!  Don't fight with discipline, but instead ask God what you are supposed to learn and plow through! ~

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Single Day

A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else!  I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked. ~ Psalm 84:10

Close your eyes for a moment---now imagine what heaven looks like.  Sounds like?  When I imagine heaven, I imagine beauty beyond description and sounds from the singing angles so beautiful that it overwhelms my soul.  To stand in front of my God, who I have tried to devote my meager life to and then to hear his voice is a dream come true.  When I look at the outlandish outdoors that I live in, or the brilliant beaches I have traveled to and realize that heaven will even be better that this, it's unimaginable.  Scripture says we can not imagine what our heavenly home is like.  I do know this, if one day there is better than ten thousand at my favorite vacations spot, it has to be captivating, mind-blowing and well worth it!  Of course, for all believers our journey home WILL be well worth it!  We have spent our lives living for our mighty creator and we will finally get to meet Him and hear, "Well done my good & faithful servant."  This will be THE day we have been waiting for.  It won't matter what persecution I have endured, I will be glad and overjoyed to be standing in HIS presence and nothing else will matter.  In the end, I would much rather be accepted by HIM and judged by others than judged by HIM and accepted by the wicked world.  To be accepted in this world is to acknowledge that He may not have been my whole hearts desire.  I pray no one will ever be able to say that of me.  I would be more than happy to be His gatekeeper for one day, than to be loved by the world forever. ~

Friday, April 1, 2016

Separate Us

Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love?  Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble, or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? ~ Romans 8:35

I think I have a pretty good idea of what unconditional love looks like - maybe.  I have kids and I can't imagine one thing they could do, no matter how horrific, or hideous the crime, that I could completely turn my broken heart away from them for.  I also believe that if my kids were in terrible trouble and needed my help, I would be there for them no matter how harsh the corrective consequences may be.  I believe God treats us the same way times ten thousand - we cannot truly understand the depth of his undeserving love for us.  I don't believe that He turns His back on us no matter what trouble we may have cause, or no matter the danger we may find ourselves in, even if we willingly brought disaster upon our own stubborn heads, God is still with us and still loves us and waits for the invitation to help.  I believe He is a gentleman. He won't force a relationship with us. He waits until we call His name either in the stillness of the night, or in a shout for help in the midst of ugly danger and despair.  My friend, if your feel like God has left you, I have to tell you, that's not true.  YOU'VE left him.  He doesn't leave.  Nothing, but ourselves, gets in the way of God.  Nothing you could do would ever steal His love for you from Him.  He loves us even in our trouble, calamity,  persecution, hunger, destitution, danger, and our death.  After all, the Word promises that we will have trials and troubles and if Jesus did when he walked the earth, why wouldn't you? Being in relationship with Jesus does not and has not ever guaranteed you a trouble and trial free life; but our relationship with Him does promise us hope while we go through our struggles.  All you have to do is call Him. ~

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Finding Favor

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. ~ Genesis 6:8

Who else would I rather find favor with than God?  What else on this planet could be more valuable? Noah was a righteous man and blameless amoung his people.  Across the globe, mankind was wrecking the very fabric of the peaceful and amicable living God had so desperately wanted to give them.  Their evil ways overtook them.  " Blameless" from the immorality of his society and careless culture, Noah kept himself holy and in communion with his Holy God and people who walked a straight path.  Because he was able to live IN that world and not become OF that world, God found favor in this upright man.  This is the kind of favor I want.  Favor from a just God, not a messed up and broken world.  I want to be able to walk soundly with my Creator and God no matter how evil, or perverse my culture becomes.  I want a faith so strong that nothing in the natural world can shake it.  I want to know that one day my faith will bring me to such an amazing inheritance that nothing in this world would be as satisfying, or rich as my heavenly home.  I want to become heir to righteousness that can only come from a steadfast, strong and persevering faith.  I want favor with the Lord so that the rest of my days here on earth my go well with me whether they are full of joy and happiness, or pain and sorrow.  After all, if you have favor with the Lord, any day will work out for you even if it looks gray and dismal by society's standards.  When it's all said and done, I want to hear, "Welcome home my good and faithful servant.  You have finished your race.  In you I am well pleased." ~

Monday, February 15, 2016

Show Me

Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. ~ Psalm 25:4

Have you ever long to understand something?  Long to get to know someone better?  It is possible to know of someone without really knowing them.  Its is also possible to know OF God, but really not KNOW Him.  I long to be completely consumed by my Lord and by searching and seeking His holy Word, I am learning, granted little by little, but nonetheless, I am still learning what it is to give Him my all.  We must truly seek Him and listen to His counsel with our eyes wide while trusting Him to show us the right path for our lives.  We must have a reverent fear of God; to be in absolute awe of what He can do in our favor and sometimes even what he can do outside of what we would favor for our own good.  Since sin keeps us from our loving Father, we must confess them to Him so He can bring restoration to our relationship with Him.  If we hold on to our selfish sin and don't confess and ask for forgiveness, we can not be cleansed and I dare say, the Lord will not have, nor has he promised to listen to my cries (Psalm 66:18).  When trials come into our lives, when tragedy strikes, it's not always a sign of God's disgust with us, but sometimes it's God's way of drawing US closer to Him in hopes that we will learn to lean on Him for perfect peace and to surrender ourselves and our control to the one who created us; to put our priorities back in line and to learn to trust whole heartily our Majestic Creator.  Knowing God may lead us into sorrow and horrendous pain, but at least we know we are never alone and if we follow his righteous path, we will always come out the other side better.  Jesus, God's own son, suffered terrible torture, betrayal, and prosecution.....why wouldn't we?  The path of Christianity was never a promised path of roses, but one full of promised trials.  But take heart, we are never alone and he will point out the right path if we only ask. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...