Saturday, June 22, 2024

Closet Prayer

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ~ Matthew 6:6

Jesus had to be intentional about leaving crowds of people and his sometimes whiny disciples to find quiet time to pray….so we should do the same.  He didn’t spout off some boisterous, proud lengthy prayers in front of all to see how supremely spiritual he was.  The one man who could have had the biggest spiritual ego in the world walked in complete humility and prayed in the quietness of his spirit.  We should do the same.  The Lord wants us to bare our hurting souls to Him and we do that best in an intimate, one on one setting.  I know we have all heard prayers that sound more like a performance, but when we are trying to impress others what does that say about the attitude of the heart?  Is it genuine?  It feels a bit hypocritical and blasphemous.  Jesus wants to see and hear your intimate prayers and He wants to bless your eagerness and obedience to seeking Him.  He wants to reward your undivided attention to Him.  He wants to bless your heart and renew your spirit in your willingness to meet Him one on one.  I feel humbled, honored and completely unworthy (even though He says differently) to be able to commune alone with the Maker of the universe.  To understand that God not only invites us, but truly, truly wants a one on one relationship with me is mind boggling.  But that is exactly what he wants and He promises to reward us if we will quietly meet Him with an honored attitude.  And we, as proclaimed followers of Jesus, should run into a life of prayer and thanksgiving as often as we want; it’s a great privilege that was dearly paid for.  I believe God wants us to run to him.  I believe He finds tremendous joy in us coming to Him in every season of life - good, bad and ugly.  I believe he yearns to talk and walk with each of us intimately.  If God wants me to spend alone time with Him, who am I to say no?  It is the greatest privilege I have. ~ Amen

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