Saturday, June 29, 2024

Grow Green

 Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf. 
~ Proverbs 11:28

How much money is enough?  For a long time I considered myself successful, or not depending on the amount of green I had.  If I'm honest with myself, I found my life's security in how much money I had, or could make.  Isn't that the mere definition of greed?  Everyone wants, and dare I say it, we even need money, but is it where your security comes from?  Finances are important; we need shelter, food, transportation and all of that costs money.  Consider how much you think about  money and I'll bet you it's close to the top of your thoughts and worries if not the number one contender.  The problem is that sometimes money becomes our number one thought and can become our master.  We put out trust and dependance in ourselves and the money we can make instead of remember the God of the universe.  Believing that money is where your happiness and security comes from will eventually lead you to heartache.  Money comes and goes.  If we would spend half the time we spend chasing money chasing God instead this world would be a much happier and healthier place.  Spiritually we need to remember that our ultimate security and success should be rooted in the one who blesses us and not in ourselves.  In every area of our lives, including our finances, we need to make sure we are connected to God.  A financial success is not all for our glory; it is to God's goodness and glory.  A righteous man's security isn't wrapped up in his bank accounts; it is rooted in the security of knowing where every good gift comes from.  A righteous spirit stays rooted and growing with, or without the material security because he is rooted in the Lord Almighty.  Riches may come and go, but if you stay rooted in the one who gives and takes away you will always flourish as opposed to relying on worldly success as your security blanket.  Trust Him instead of your own riches.  Remember where real success and security come from.  Be rooted in Christ.  Find your security in Him; the one who will always be around, instead of your finances so that you may always be a growing green leaf. ~ Amen

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