Friday, June 21, 2024

Love Instructions

Do everything in love. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:14

Do everything in love?  How?  I can’t even do, or say everything in love towards my favorite family members.  What makes you think I can do everything in love with strangers, co-workers, friends, people who tick me off, or people I don’t agree with?  Not to mention that the love Jesus showed was one of total selfless sacrifice.  I mean, come on, he died for me!  Yeah, I can die for my kids, my husband and possibly my best friend, but come on!  To love like Jesus is supernatural.  It’ll draw attention.  It’ll draw attraction.  Now let me clarify; I believe we are to love everyone, but I believe we are called to lay our lives down specifically for our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Paul’s message of instruction to do everything in love was not only a hard pill to swallow back then, but I dare say it’s even harder in this prideful, selfish and upside down world while living in so many gray areas.  Paul wanted to remind them that everything they do, everything they say and how they act all need to be laced with the love Christ showed them.  Even when you disagree with someone, you can do so in a way that is non-confrontational, non-judgemental and less abrasive than the average person and you should!  Jesus is the only source of this type of unconditional love.  If we come at our brothers and sisters accusatory and not with love, of course they will become defensive and shut down.  If we need to speak a hard truth you must be prayerful and of the right spirit, or else you’ll come out looking hypocritical and egotistical.  Lord, help us look like love, demonstrate love, and cultivate love so we can look more like you. ~ Amen

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