Friday, June 21, 2024

Follow Light

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~ John 8:12

A flashlight, a bright candle, or even a single match can disperse darkness from a room enough for us to find our way around.  Campfires are one of my favorite forms of fire, or light as the beautiful flames glow and illuminate the night while we gather around keeping warm telling stories long into the night.  Jesus is that light for the whole world; the only light that will keep the darkness of our sinful beings at bay.  The only light that will keep you out of the worldly darkness is Jesus.  Most people understand how light works; you need light to see clearly obscured obstacles that may be in your way.  A child knows he sacred light can be as they may be fearful of the nighttime monsters that go away when darkness is dissipated with wondrous light.  In an instant, their fears are gone.  Jesus is that light to our spiritual lives and with Him you can illuminate his light to others and break the bonds of spiritual darkness for fellow believers and non-believers.  The enemy would love to keep as many people as he can bound up in endless lies, deceit and fear, but Jesus yearns for everyone to come to Him so they do not have to walk aimlessly in the dreaded dark anymore.  To know Jesus is to know the truth, and no longer be swallowed up by secrets, fear, lies, addiction, depression, anxiety and anything else that many people struggle with all by themselves.  The light to give you a new life! A life eternal.  Now I am not saying all those things aren’t real; they are very real, and they are hard to deal with on a day to day basis.  I have a son who deals greatly with anxiety and bouts of depression, but I tell you what; I don’t know how he, or anyone for that matter, can fight that battle without Jesus on their side.  And as his mom, even on his darkest days, I know that Jesus has him and that gives me tremendous peace.  It’s irreplaceable.  I have hope.  I know there is hope.  I know the light of the world.  And I know we don’t have to walk this darkness ever alone.  I have Jesus.  No one will ever be able to take my experience of watching my son being destructive with his life and yet I still had peace.  No one.  Too many people are swallowed up in confusion and darkness in this world and are going it alone.  We need to show up, walk beside them and show them the bright light that is the hope we have in Jesus!  I believe that some would even be miraculously set free!  They will have a new life!  Let’s go shine the light of the world! ~ Amen

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