Sunday, June 23, 2024

Through Me

“I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” ~ John 14:6

I don’t know how many times I have heard “I am a good person….so I’m confident I have a ticket in.”  Christians tend to shy away from any sort of comment when they hear this because either they really don’t know what to say, or they don’t want to ruffle any feathers.  And who could blame them in this over-sensitive world, but Jesus made it clear - being “good” is NOT the ticket.  A person can not go through life trying to earn their way into heaven with works while denying Jesus.  Right living, being kind and generous and making morally correct decisions are great, but that doesn’t mean you have a religion, or even a relationship with Jesus.  I have even heard people say, “Yeah, I know there is a God and I believe Jesus lived, so….” So what?  I hate to burst your bubble, but even Satan and his demons know there is a God and know Jesus, but I assure you - they are not in Heaven and are in total opposition to everything that represents God.  I don’t know any other God who sacrificed his only son to save all of mankind even when he knew not everyone would choose to follow him.  The fact of the matter is the only way to seal your eternal ticket to heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as the son of God, confess with your mouth that he is Lord, pray and invite him into your heart and life and believe he died on the cross for your sins and rose again.  That is the only way.  It is a gift.  We don’t earn it.  The bridge that closed the gap between Christ and mankind was the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Your being “good” has nothing to do with it.  Yeah, once you accept Christ, your life should naturally change, but it’s all part of the gift.  Watch your life naturally transform as you start living for Jesus instead of yourself.  The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ.  Make the choice to follow Him today. ~ Amen

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