Sunday, June 9, 2024

Crazy Chaos

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. ~ Isaiah 26:3

The world is full of crazy chaos and unhealthy decision are made everyday.  There seems to be confusion in our basic human identity and what was once wrong is now right.  A great many of us have turned our backs on loved ones merely because they think differently.  All of us have learned to keep a tight lid on our mouths in fear of accidentally offending someone.  When did people become so sensitive?  We used to celebrate differences all in the name of diversity, but these days diversity is only skin deep.  If you don't believe as others, that difference is no longer celebrated, but most likely you will be criticized and shamed.  Our world is upside down and with all the confusion, defensiveness, and ultra sensitivity, it's no wonder that we feel like we are always walking on eggshells. Here's a's okay if you don't get along with EVERYBODY.  There are appropriate times to have a strong backbone in your beliefs.  Don't waver!  We just need to do it with love and in a gracious way.  I know this is hard, it's contrary to our world.  But you know what, Jesus got angry......he just knew how to deal with his anger in a way that was pleasing to the Lord first.  Jesus didn't get along with EVERYBODY!  That's okay....He still loved them.  Completely, and I mean completely. Contrary to this world, we can agree to disagree and still keep our relationships in tact.  This is essential to us who are Jesus followers.  We need to learn to live HIS standards and love others who blatantly disregard our beliefs and feelings.  How do we do that?  It's easier said than done, but we are called to love people whether we agree with them, or flat out think they've lost their minds.  Maybe put it this "on" people.  Give them a kind word, or a complement; buy them lunch while your picking up yours; offer to watch their kids so they can go on a date with their spouse.  Do something that reflects the love of Jesus even if you don't agree with them all the time.  Show support; show love.  

The only way I have found to keep myself from the confusion of the world while still being able to love people the best I can is to stay grounded in His word daily, by prayer and by keeping my ears and heart open to what the holy spirit is telling me.  I find it vital to keep my mind and heart saturated in scripture and prayer.  There is indescribable power in memorizing scripture and being able to recite it when times are tough.  This means giving up my anxious thought and my relentless worry by trusting that God has everything handled.  When you stay steadfast and firm, God protects you from the chaos that may swirl around you.  When you rely on Him and intentionally find space and solace with Him, He will meet you and give you peace.  Even though this world doesn't always make sense, you can find comfort in knowing that God has you.  You don't have to rely on yourself.  Even through the midst of your busy day when you are confronted with ideas and beliefs that are not your own.  Peace.  Even in a world with blurred lines of right and wrong. Peace.  Even when you come across as "offensive" to the unbeliever, but you didn't mean too. Peace. Even as you learn to love others who would never step into a church. Peace. He can take your anxiety, calm your mind and give you tremendous peace.  And he can show you how to love others. 
~ Amen

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