Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Uninterrupted Joy

Joy. Joy in a financially strained economy. Joy in a time of uncertainty. Joy as we worry about the future. Joy is a state of mind and soul; maybe even a choice, that everyday I pray I would get to no matter what my situation or circumstances. I am coming to realize that the joy I want is the joy that infects my very being regardless of what goes on in this world around me because I am a child of God. Actually, I've known this fact about joy; that it should come from the fact that I'm a child of God; deep down in my heart for years, I'm just now moving it to my heart. I know this world is not my home and that this journey I am enduring here on earth is just that; a journey that will result in a destination far better than this place...so I should be joyful as I realize and internalize that my life here on earth compares nothing to what is waiting for me. The security I have in my salvation and Christ's love is always enough, or should be, to be full of joy.

Cody and the mirage of children just walked in the door from picking up Samuel from school; Isaac thought he needed to go with him today. My husband has been working his rear off at some classes on the Internet that he has to finish by tomorrow; talk about joy, or the lack there of. I picked up my friend, Davida, today from her home and took her to the body shop that her Jeep has been at for the last week for repair work. She was in an accident last week and has been bumming rides from her friends all week to get to where she needs to go and so she was more than excited to get her car back. Her message to everybody would be to use a head set to answer your cell phone while driving - enough said. ~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quiet Please

My poor husband is in our bed today after having work done on his teeth last night after hours and I feel so bad for him. His mouth heals up nicely, but his poor jaw and face always swells up and he has a headache for days; not to mention that the painkillers make him really drowsy. I am attending to him every once in a while to make sure he doesn't need anything and even though he says he doesn't, I'm sure he would love the noise of two toddlers and one four year old to subside. For once I am thankful for the television and VCR we have in our master bedroom; at least he can just lock himself in there with his ESPN and movies. Gees, let's be honest, that's a day of relaxation for a mother, without the ESPN in my case, but I'd love a day in bed with some good old movies and my recorded shows that I seem never to be able to get to watch. In any case, I feel bad for him. Tomorrow night we have teacher/parent conferences for Samuel; although I have to brag and tell you that I'm not sure whey we are going other then it's required as my son is excelling in five out of the seven areas of curriculum. He has a student grade higher than the class average in math (104% at that), writing, reading, science, and language; he only really needs to work on social studies. Isaac has been asking me all morning if we can go to the park...so I think we may have to journey over there after we make a quick trip to the bank.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hearbroken Discipline

The disciplining of our children can be so hard sometimes that I just have to remember that it's for their own good and that I am actually loving them by correcting them even if they don't understand that. My four year old gets in trouble rather regularly, but my six year old rarely gets into trouble; has been that way most of his little life - fairly laid back - but last night he got into trouble and seeing him heartbroken over it was almost more than I could bare. All to often I see, I even know, some children who run their homes because the parents don't believe in any form of discipline, but I also see those same children yearning for guidance and direction as teenagers. Oh God, give us the wisdom to raise our children according to your ways and not the world's ways; help us show our children unconditional love even when disciplining.

My husband is downstairs working; he has rearranged his office and now it's so work friendly down there that I think he is way more productive; which makes for a happier husband. He helped me with my parade excursion this weekend as I entered our MOPS group as a participant and I am so thankful that I have a faithful, loving, and extremely supportive husband who helps me at the drop of a hat; even if it means he rearranges half his day for me - THANK YOU BABY! YOU'RE THE BEST! ~

Monday, September 15, 2008

Only Hope

Our nation is going down the tubes in a hand basket, I know that is only my opinion, but I sure hope this next election helps things out. Let me be the first to tell you that I am very much an undecided voter at this point in the game; if only I knew who was telling the truth. My high horse, soap box, or whatever else you want to call it is this: our only hope for this nation is to get it back on track with it's Christian values it was founded on. I don't know how else to put it people; how can we expect our God to bless this country the way it is? I'm not only talking about the values and morals of this country (which stink to high heaven), but I'm also talking about the lack of love for each other; we need to step that up and get rid of the judgement and whether you want to accept this fact or not, it starts with the church. Let me assure you that I am just as much to blame in this area as you are; everyone is to some degree. Enough about that...my husband is downstairs working not only on paperwork for appointments he has this week, but also on putting his office back together after rearranging this space for more work area. We had a great dinner downtown at a little diner called, "Sam's #3" for his birthday; which my son thought was awesome and you know dad picked it for the name, but it was delicious! ~

Saturday, September 13, 2008

No Offense

Sometimes I get so frustrated and mad at my children and I think, "Why can't you just listen a little better?" Better yet, why don't I have enough patience to last a whole day? Sometimes I'm good till 10:00 a.m., others 3:00 p.m, but it takes an act of God to get me to 7:00 p.m. and I think there's probably only been a handful of days when I go to bed with all the patience that I had when I woke up that morning. Then there is my husband; I love him dearly and I have no doubt that I am blessed and have the best one in the world, not to mention his outstanding "daddy" skills, but there are days when I could just ring his neck. Especially those days when he is being so annoying and he knows he is, yet he thinks he is so so funny! UG! Today I had a revelation; God probably should, no, let me rephrase that, God SHOULD have NO patience for me at all, yet daily he forgives my offenses, my annoyances and loves me unconditionally. I need to do the same for my family, friends, and even those who I really can't stand (which is the real kicker). This is not new stuff, but it's good to be reminded. We are celebrating my husband's birthday with him today and I am excited to go downtown Denver to meet up with the girls and have dinner. I am thankful that my husband is celebrating another year and I pray that there will be many more to come, but if he keeps doing crazy things like standing on a ladder that is hoisted up on the dining room table to reach above his head to change a light bulb..........well at least I know God is in control. ~

Monday, September 8, 2008

Caught not Taught

One of my prayers and hopes for my children is that they will learn good, strong and Christ like morals and values. Here's the kicker: I strongly believe that those values and morals will by caught by my children, not taught to my children. What does this mean? Well, I really do believe in the saying, "Actions speak louder than words" and so this means my parenting style and the way I live my life, my lifestyle, had better be one lined with good, strong and Christ like morals and values. Sometimes I think we are guilty of, at least I am, thinking my children will learn what they need to at church, school or, heaven forbid, society where, in my opinion, they get more than a scewed vision of morals and values. And don't think that your children don't notice, or are to young to see how you act as a couple; you're only kidding yourself if you don't think they see how mom and dad not only act towards others, but also towards each other...so guard your marriages and at least act like you love each other more than not. It's time to step it up; even though it's sometimes challenging and more than exhausting, but we can't leave our children to "chance". Enough about that...Cody is downstairs in his basement office working as he has an appointment tomorrow that he needs to get ready for. He's already done a list of "honey dos" this morning and I am so blessed and thankful that I don't have to wait until the weekend for him to do those things; otherwise I may go a little nutty. Samuel is at school; I sent him off with a runny nose, but he said he felt fine and didn't have a fever...so off you go. ~

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Married Life

It has been said that marriage is a marathon, not a journey and if you give up to soon you give up on what could have been possibly the best years of your relationship. There have been times in my marriage when I have thought it would have been easier to give up, but I am more than thankful that neither my husband, or I ever did. Our journey has led us through some trials and tumultuous times, but the times where we have ridden the waves of contentment after a storm have often been the best. The first five years of our marriage were extremely hard and our circumstances and situations got a lot harder before they ever got better, but God has blessed our perseverance and I am thankful for the rough ride as it refined me in ways I never dreamed of. Enough about my wonderful (most of the time) marriage....my husband is on his way to pick up my son, Samuel, from school. Tonight should be interesting; Samuel has so much homework to catch up on as a result of his absence Tuesday that I'm sure a struggle of will should take place tonight. Samuel is enjoying school and I have to say that I am now over my grief of having a child in all day school. It's amazing how much I miss him, but it's also amazing how much I can get done with one kid gone all day. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...