Saturday, September 13, 2008

No Offense

Sometimes I get so frustrated and mad at my children and I think, "Why can't you just listen a little better?" Better yet, why don't I have enough patience to last a whole day? Sometimes I'm good till 10:00 a.m., others 3:00 p.m, but it takes an act of God to get me to 7:00 p.m. and I think there's probably only been a handful of days when I go to bed with all the patience that I had when I woke up that morning. Then there is my husband; I love him dearly and I have no doubt that I am blessed and have the best one in the world, not to mention his outstanding "daddy" skills, but there are days when I could just ring his neck. Especially those days when he is being so annoying and he knows he is, yet he thinks he is so so funny! UG! Today I had a revelation; God probably should, no, let me rephrase that, God SHOULD have NO patience for me at all, yet daily he forgives my offenses, my annoyances and loves me unconditionally. I need to do the same for my family, friends, and even those who I really can't stand (which is the real kicker). This is not new stuff, but it's good to be reminded. We are celebrating my husband's birthday with him today and I am excited to go downtown Denver to meet up with the girls and have dinner. I am thankful that my husband is celebrating another year and I pray that there will be many more to come, but if he keeps doing crazy things like standing on a ladder that is hoisted up on the dining room table to reach above his head to change a light bulb..........well at least I know God is in control. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...