Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Quiet Please

My poor husband is in our bed today after having work done on his teeth last night after hours and I feel so bad for him. His mouth heals up nicely, but his poor jaw and face always swells up and he has a headache for days; not to mention that the painkillers make him really drowsy. I am attending to him every once in a while to make sure he doesn't need anything and even though he says he doesn't, I'm sure he would love the noise of two toddlers and one four year old to subside. For once I am thankful for the television and VCR we have in our master bedroom; at least he can just lock himself in there with his ESPN and movies. Gees, let's be honest, that's a day of relaxation for a mother, without the ESPN in my case, but I'd love a day in bed with some good old movies and my recorded shows that I seem never to be able to get to watch. In any case, I feel bad for him. Tomorrow night we have teacher/parent conferences for Samuel; although I have to brag and tell you that I'm not sure whey we are going other then it's required as my son is excelling in five out of the seven areas of curriculum. He has a student grade higher than the class average in math (104% at that), writing, reading, science, and language; he only really needs to work on social studies. Isaac has been asking me all morning if we can go to the park...so I think we may have to journey over there after we make a quick trip to the bank.

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...