Monday, September 22, 2008

Hearbroken Discipline

The disciplining of our children can be so hard sometimes that I just have to remember that it's for their own good and that I am actually loving them by correcting them even if they don't understand that. My four year old gets in trouble rather regularly, but my six year old rarely gets into trouble; has been that way most of his little life - fairly laid back - but last night he got into trouble and seeing him heartbroken over it was almost more than I could bare. All to often I see, I even know, some children who run their homes because the parents don't believe in any form of discipline, but I also see those same children yearning for guidance and direction as teenagers. Oh God, give us the wisdom to raise our children according to your ways and not the world's ways; help us show our children unconditional love even when disciplining.

My husband is downstairs working; he has rearranged his office and now it's so work friendly down there that I think he is way more productive; which makes for a happier husband. He helped me with my parade excursion this weekend as I entered our MOPS group as a participant and I am so thankful that I have a faithful, loving, and extremely supportive husband who helps me at the drop of a hat; even if it means he rearranges half his day for me - THANK YOU BABY! YOU'RE THE BEST! ~

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But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...