Thursday, November 22, 2012

Graced Spirit

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit."  ~ Philemon 1:25

Have you encouraged anyone today?  How about this week?  This month?  Are you gracious and grateful on any other day but today, Thanksgiving?  There is more sarcasm, crude words and nasty jokes in what we think is funny in today's society and culture then there is an attitude of gratitude and encouragement.  However, in God's economy, words are supposed to be used as uplifting, and encouraging blessings to others as a spiritual and mental benefit to the giver and receiver.  What better words to encourage someone with than to bless them with grace from above?  Let us lavish on one another words of love, peace, strength and grace instead of stale, crude, empty and worldly humor.  You can tear someone down in minutes and it'll take years for some of those hurtful wounds to completely heal, or you can build someone up in minutes and watch their life change.  I want to be used as a blessing and I want desperately to see others through the grace that our Heavenly Father does.  In all honesty, the devil loves to use our words to wreck havoc on each other and in our homes in hopes that the more we tear down, the more we can't hear the small whisper that is the character of the Lord.  I want to learn how to bless and encourage someone with my words and presence instead of always trying to make myself the priority in the conversation.  If the grace of the Lord is with us, how much better is our day?  So get out there with grace and bless people with your words and your presence.  ~

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blessed Perseverance

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trail, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."  ~ James 1:12

This word - persevere - is my absolute favorite word in the English language.  I learned years ago that if I chant that specific work over and over in my head through difficult times, my mind is put at ease and my blood pressure drops.  James knew he would face trials, after all, he had watched as his brother was persecuted over and over again and his own faith was attacked many times, but he knew the value of "hanging on".  I know sometimes my trials feel overwhelming and when I watch TV our world seems to be over burdened with everything from natural disasters to other events that just don't make sense to us.  I do know, that when I "hang on" as best as I can and give it all to the Lord, great blessings arise.  Beauty DOES come from ashes.  James wants us to know that there are many blessings to have if not in this life, then our eternal life and that God has made that specific promise to all who love him.  After all, we know how this all ends - WE WIN - so keep on "hanging on ".  Persevere! ~ 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Well Pleased

And a voice came from heaven:  "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."  ~ Mark 1:11

Shortly after I told my son to be careful with the full glass of milk he had poured himself guess what was spilled all over the freshly mopped kitchen floor?  You guessed it.  Remembering that I had promised to work on my yelling; which I have a habit of, I quickly ran over to the sink to grab a wet rag biting my lower lip to keep my mouth shut.  If you have never seen a disappointment in the face of a child when they are mad at themselves, then you should have been at my house that day - he was upset with himself big time!  Was this the time to reprimand my child?  No, not now and boy was I glad I kept my big mouth shut.  What I decided to do in that moment was give my son a hug and let him know it was okay and that he did not need to be so hard on himself - it was, after all, just spilled milk.  You know, Jesus knew who he was, but it's nice to hear that even he had those days when he had to be reassured by his Father that everything was going to be okay.  Yeah, Jesus being tempted by the devil for 40 days is a little bit different then spilled milk, but the principle is the same.  Let's lift each other up through trials, tough times and life in general.  Disappointment and times of testing can come along at anytime during this life-long journey.  Let's be there for each other and don't forget to love on your loved ones including friends and even some hard-heartened family sometimes with a "well-pleased" attitude! ~  AMEN

Friday, July 27, 2012

Willing Price

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver, or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.  ~ 1 Peter 1:18-19

How much would you be willing to pay for your life?  "What?" you may ask.  This life you enjoy did not come to you at a cheap price, nor did it come to you at the expense of all the world's treasure.  This life you call your own came at the ultimate price of your Maker's sons' life and he willingly and graciously gave so you could live!  This was a great gift given to me by an Almighty, jealous and loving God.  Yeah, I know, we've all heard it a billion times, but when I really think about it and put myself in those shoes let's just say that I don't think I could give my son up for other people; especially people I don't know who may, or may not be eternally grateful for our supreme suffering and sacrifice.  How about the fact that God's sacrifice never even did anything to deserve such a brutal beating and death?  It cost an innocent, perfect man his short lived life here on earth for ME and YOU to live in relationship with the one true God.  Don't pass the opportunity up!  The relationship is remarkable and the price has already been paid!  FREE ADMISSION!  What do you have to lose to experience the perfect relationship?  NOTHING!  What do you have to gain?  EVERYTHING!  Jump in!  ~ AMEN

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Amazing Creation

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.  ~ Romans 1:20

What an amazing, spectacular, beautiful and magnificent place this planet earth is!  The thought of space, stars, planets, the milky way and light travel all boggle my mind.  The mountains are my favorite places in the world with their ever present massiveness reaching towards the blue sky both protecting us and calling to us to climb their peaks.  On a cruise ship years ago I received my first real sense of the expansive ocean and what wonders it might hold.  The humbling experience left me breathless as on our second day out to sea I realized this humongous ship we had boarded was now just a speck in the wide openness of the ocean and my respect grew ten fold as I realized there was no land in sight.  The different tastes, textures, shapes, order, smells, sights an sounds of this universe are nothing short of a divine making.  Oh, that we could ever be convinced that all this world's creation was a scientific explosion, or phenomenon not only breaks my heart, but also God's and underestimates his holy power.  May we always see God's fingerprints clearly on this incredible wide world!  AMEN! ~

Friday, June 29, 2012

Conscious Sin

Do not be deceived:  God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows. ~ Galations 6:7

Have you ever looked at someone who claims to be a spirit-filled believer and looked at their lifestyle only to ask, "Really?".  I know we aren't supposed to judge people, but when they openly confess Jesus and then continue to live in a sin-induced coma with no regard to their professed beliefs, it's hard not too.  God CANNOT be mocked!  Those followers of Jesus who still sow sinful seed without attempting a heartfelt lifestyle change are guilty of mocking my (and dare I say yours, even if you don't believe, because one day, either in hell, or heaven you WILL confess that Jesus is Lord whether you want to believe if now, or not) Lord.  Let us be careful of what we consciously sow in our so-called "spirit-filled" lives.  We will reap much devastation and death when we mock the Almighty God we say we serve with willful, conscious, and unchanging sin.  Now, don't get me wrong, we ALL sin everyday, or at least I do, you may sin only a couple of times a week, but we do sin.  It's human nature, unfortunatley, and we can't be perfect, in fact, we aren't called to perfection, but we are called to be MORE like Jesus, no one can BE Jesus again. The only perfect human being was, and is Jesus and God knows that, but when we aren't heartfelt in our conversion, we have a problem.  We are talking about a deep heart issue that only God sees and we can answer:  Am I TRYING to change from my sinful ways, or do I really believe and care about what I have openly confessed?  The answer to that question determins destruction vs. eternal life and heartfelt change vs. mockery.  Let's be heart-felt!  ~  AMEN

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Materialistic Views

Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death.  ~ Proverbs 10:2

My materialistic view of what I do, or do not have, often can contaminate my spiritual peace and I know I'm not alone in this.  One minute I can be completely content and then see a new vehicle go down the road only to be reminded of the older vehicle I am driving and turn completely jealous even if it my vehicle is competent of the duties it's assigned and unequivocally reliable.  Ever happen to you?  Generous gifts and blessing have been poured out on my family of both the financial and not so financial type and yet I easily lose sight of them in this very prideful, and dare I say, very narcissistic culture we live in.  Please Father, help me to remember where my gifts really come from and to be tremendously thankful even if they aren't all packaged in the fanciful packages I would like.  In everyday life I need to remember that Satan would love anything but to destroy my faith in a righteous God and if he (Satan) can get me to be discontent, well, then evidently he can conquer my thoughts and sneak his slimy foot right in through that doorway, so....BE ON ALERT!  The blessings of  righteous living far outweigh the unhappiness and broken-ness of wicked living even if  that lifestyle looks temping at times.  Even when all my earthly treasures are long gone, I will have the Heavenly treasures stored up to throw myself into.  This is NOT my these treasures can NOT be my treasures.  Only Jesus Christ in heaven holds my final reward!  Praise God!  ~ AMEN

Monday, April 23, 2012

Mood Changers

"You became imitators of us and of the Lord; in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit."  1 Thessalonians 1:6

How many times has your mood changed because of a difficulty?  We can snap at our spouse, our kids, our co-workers and our friends for nothing they did simply because of a difficult circumstance, or situation that changed our outlook on things.  Paul reminds us that they Holy Spirit has, and can bring us great joy again no matter how severe things may be at the time.  Our joy does not always need to be outwardly shiny, but we must keep in mind who gives us our happiness and joy.  Instead of dwelling on all the negatives of the blaring situation, we should be intentional about trying to keep things in perspective and bring to remembrance all the times Christ has come through for us so that our faith is strongest when the enemy attacks and we can strike back with full confidence.  Then the joy and peace that the Holy Spirit brings us, that is not dependent on our circumstances, will flood our spirits!  It has to be rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing more!  The Heavenly Father knows we will have trials, in fact, He promises them, but the question is what we do with His joy under pressure and sometimes down right hot fire!  Blessed is the man who can conform to the example of Christ and His joy.  Help us to become better examples of life giving joy to those around us!  In Jesus, there can be joy abundant if it's rooted in the belief that His will is always best! ~  

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Each Other

This is what the Lord Almighty says: "Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor. In your hearts do not think evil of each other." ~ Zechariah 7:9-10

Do you ever feel like "taking matters into your own hands?" That is exactly what we are called NOT to do according to this very precise scripture. He reminds us that we are supposed to think fairly of each other and to give everyone the 'benefit of the doubt' in every situation no matter how huge, or deeply hurtful it may be. In order to be kind and compassionate in this manner, we need to make sure we are more Christ like and less wickedly worldly. We need to be in His Word daily suiting up not only for the battle of the sneaky devil, but also suiting up with righteousness so we can prepare ourselves to act Christ like in a very narcissistic, "give it to me NOW" neurotic and chaotic world - a world that almost instinctively turns the other way without a second glance, or thought. Because we can't expect to be close to our Heavenly Father when people, and the treatment of them, isn't our first priority. Loving everyone starts where you are, and I for one, could practice improving my skills within the four walls I call my home. Let's get started! ~

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Look Always

Look to the Lord and his strength, seek his face always. ~ Psalm 105:4

How often do you feel like you just can't go on? That you want to give up? We are mortal beings that sometimes struggle, but we are invited to His supernatural strength. How amazing! We all need extra strength at times and we could all use the reminder of his empowering grace graciously given if we just ask. We must look to Him daily for strength, or spiritually we could constantly live a defeated life. When you feel stuck, afraid, or swallowed up whole by this wasting world, we need to call on His strength and expect to see his presence and faithful goodness even if we don't understand. Is God where you run, or do you run circles around figuring things out for yourself? Is God's face what you seek, or do you seek the solution through your own ideas and strength? Mighty is the Lord and worthy of our ever giving praise! Until we learn to whole heartily seek His face in every situation, or circumstance - good, or bad, we will never know what we can accomplish as a child of God wrapped up in his mighty strength! In all of our hurried and busy days we can see His face and His splendid strength if we only take the time to look. ~

Friday, January 20, 2012

Must Preach

But He said, "I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent." ~ Luke 4:43

When you think about your purpose, or your calling in this life, and even on this planet period, what do you think about? Do you know what your purpose is? Jesus was clearly sent to this hungry planet for one reason - to tell of the gospel, and of God's great love. Most Christians, including me, may be waiting for someone else to tell others of God's great love, and hope when in fact, we need to be also spreading the good news. "The timing wasn't right." "I had to go pick up the boys from the bus." "I was in a hurry to get to work." These are all bad excuses that I know I have personally told myself to justify my ignoring the opportunity to listen to Gods small whisper when it comes to sharing the good news with someone. Then I think, "What if I was designed, or that moment was specifically designed for ME to plant that seed and now I've just blown it? Thank God He doesn't give up on us, but I seriously need to be a better listener to that still small voice! In my heart, I want a fresh revival, a renewed strength, and the boldness to go forth for my Mighty King! There is no "Plan B"; God made us his "Plan A" to reach the lost....(thanks Pastor Troy for that wake up call) I had better buckle on those running shoes and run the race that God had laid out in front of ME! ~

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Glorious Joy

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix out eyes on Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. ~ Hebrews 12:1-3

Have you ever read that passage? I mean REALLY picked it apart and read it? I don't know how may times I have read this passage in Hebrews, or heard it from the pulpit, if fact, two years ago I decided to memorize it, but today during my time with God, I read it with a fresh pair of spiritual eyes and it rocked my world. I was fine until I got to this part of the passage: Let us fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning it's shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. JOY? Wait, what? What joy? Shouldn't it say something like, who for the command of God, endured the cross.....? Anything but joy? Why use the word joy there? Who for joy set before him endured the cross.... Are You telling me that it was a joy for You to endure the cross for me? You didn't even know if I would accept you yet, but you were glad too take on the cross for me? You actually consider that a joy? Scorning it's shame....You were persecuted beyond my comprehension for me. You knew you were going to be beaten, captured and nailed to a tree....this is joy? Yes, I know You prayed and wept to Your Father for relief, but You could have saved yourself and You didn't. You took my sins with joy? How selfish am I than, when I can't find the joy I need to help a friend in need? Why do I get so upset when my bank account is low, or how can I possibly get upset when You don't answer my prayer in the way I want You too? How can I justify being upset about ANYTHING when you consider enduring the cross a joy.........for me? Yes, I know the real joy was that You found yourself back at the right hand of the Father, but that's the whole point: you found joy in your pain, and so can we. We can find joy in our pain. I need to learn that lesson; show me how to live, and I mean really LIVE in that lesson. There truly can be joy in every and all pain if we keep our eyes fixed on You. If I really digest that nugget, than I that's one step closer to You, trusting you , not worrying about anything; another step to truly letting go of my control and living in Your presence. Thank you for saving me! Thank you Lord, that You considered dieing on the cross for me a joy when You weren't even sure I'd accept You. Fill me with that kind of joy. Joy that endures, perseveres, and comes up from the ashes.
Needless to say, I started uncontrollably weeping and went to my knees in humble, thankful, praise-filled gratitude. I cried so much, in a good way, that my cat started licking my face for the tears, but they were tears of JOY and I was overwhelmed. As the psalmist would say, my cup overrunneth this morning and it was GLORIOUS! ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...