Saturday, June 29, 2024

Grow Green

 Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf. 
~ Proverbs 11:28

How much money is enough?  For a long time I considered myself successful, or not depending on the amount of green I had.  If I'm honest with myself, I found my life's security in how much money I had, or could make.  Isn't that the mere definition of greed?  Everyone wants, and dare I say it, we even need money, but is it where your security comes from?  Finances are important; we need shelter, food, transportation and all of that costs money.  Consider how much you think about  money and I'll bet you it's close to the top of your thoughts and worries if not the number one contender.  The problem is that sometimes money becomes our number one thought and can become our master.  We put out trust and dependance in ourselves and the money we can make instead of remember the God of the universe.  Believing that money is where your happiness and security comes from will eventually lead you to heartache.  Money comes and goes.  If we would spend half the time we spend chasing money chasing God instead this world would be a much happier and healthier place.  Spiritually we need to remember that our ultimate security and success should be rooted in the one who blesses us and not in ourselves.  In every area of our lives, including our finances, we need to make sure we are connected to God.  A financial success is not all for our glory; it is to God's goodness and glory.  A righteous man's security isn't wrapped up in his bank accounts; it is rooted in the security of knowing where every good gift comes from.  A righteous spirit stays rooted and growing with, or without the material security because he is rooted in the Lord Almighty.  Riches may come and go, but if you stay rooted in the one who gives and takes away you will always flourish as opposed to relying on worldly success as your security blanket.  Trust Him instead of your own riches.  Remember where real success and security come from.  Be rooted in Christ.  Find your security in Him; the one who will always be around, instead of your finances so that you may always be a growing green leaf. ~ Amen

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Through Me

“I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” ~ John 14:6

I don’t know how many times I have heard “I am a good person….so I’m confident I have a ticket in.”  Christians tend to shy away from any sort of comment when they hear this because either they really don’t know what to say, or they don’t want to ruffle any feathers.  And who could blame them in this over-sensitive world, but Jesus made it clear - being “good” is NOT the ticket.  A person can not go through life trying to earn their way into heaven with works while denying Jesus.  Right living, being kind and generous and making morally correct decisions are great, but that doesn’t mean you have a religion, or even a relationship with Jesus.  I have even heard people say, “Yeah, I know there is a God and I believe Jesus lived, so….” So what?  I hate to burst your bubble, but even Satan and his demons know there is a God and know Jesus, but I assure you - they are not in Heaven and are in total opposition to everything that represents God.  I don’t know any other God who sacrificed his only son to save all of mankind even when he knew not everyone would choose to follow him.  The fact of the matter is the only way to seal your eternal ticket to heaven is to accept Jesus Christ as the son of God, confess with your mouth that he is Lord, pray and invite him into your heart and life and believe he died on the cross for your sins and rose again.  That is the only way.  It is a gift.  We don’t earn it.  The bridge that closed the gap between Christ and mankind was the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Your being “good” has nothing to do with it.  Yeah, once you accept Christ, your life should naturally change, but it’s all part of the gift.  Watch your life naturally transform as you start living for Jesus instead of yourself.  The only way to get to heaven is through Jesus Christ.  Make the choice to follow Him today. ~ Amen

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Closet Prayer

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.  Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ~ Matthew 6:6

Jesus had to be intentional about leaving crowds of people and his sometimes whiny disciples to find quiet time to pray….so we should do the same.  He didn’t spout off some boisterous, proud lengthy prayers in front of all to see how supremely spiritual he was.  The one man who could have had the biggest spiritual ego in the world walked in complete humility and prayed in the quietness of his spirit.  We should do the same.  The Lord wants us to bare our hurting souls to Him and we do that best in an intimate, one on one setting.  I know we have all heard prayers that sound more like a performance, but when we are trying to impress others what does that say about the attitude of the heart?  Is it genuine?  It feels a bit hypocritical and blasphemous.  Jesus wants to see and hear your intimate prayers and He wants to bless your eagerness and obedience to seeking Him.  He wants to reward your undivided attention to Him.  He wants to bless your heart and renew your spirit in your willingness to meet Him one on one.  I feel humbled, honored and completely unworthy (even though He says differently) to be able to commune alone with the Maker of the universe.  To understand that God not only invites us, but truly, truly wants a one on one relationship with me is mind boggling.  But that is exactly what he wants and He promises to reward us if we will quietly meet Him with an honored attitude.  And we, as proclaimed followers of Jesus, should run into a life of prayer and thanksgiving as often as we want; it’s a great privilege that was dearly paid for.  I believe God wants us to run to him.  I believe He finds tremendous joy in us coming to Him in every season of life - good, bad and ugly.  I believe he yearns to talk and walk with each of us intimately.  If God wants me to spend alone time with Him, who am I to say no?  It is the greatest privilege I have. ~ Amen

Friday, June 21, 2024

Love Instructions

Do everything in love. ~ 1 Corinthians 16:14

Do everything in love?  How?  I can’t even do, or say everything in love towards my favorite family members.  What makes you think I can do everything in love with strangers, co-workers, friends, people who tick me off, or people I don’t agree with?  Not to mention that the love Jesus showed was one of total selfless sacrifice.  I mean, come on, he died for me!  Yeah, I can die for my kids, my husband and possibly my best friend, but come on!  To love like Jesus is supernatural.  It’ll draw attention.  It’ll draw attraction.  Now let me clarify; I believe we are to love everyone, but I believe we are called to lay our lives down specifically for our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Paul’s message of instruction to do everything in love was not only a hard pill to swallow back then, but I dare say it’s even harder in this prideful, selfish and upside down world while living in so many gray areas.  Paul wanted to remind them that everything they do, everything they say and how they act all need to be laced with the love Christ showed them.  Even when you disagree with someone, you can do so in a way that is non-confrontational, non-judgemental and less abrasive than the average person and you should!  Jesus is the only source of this type of unconditional love.  If we come at our brothers and sisters accusatory and not with love, of course they will become defensive and shut down.  If we need to speak a hard truth you must be prayerful and of the right spirit, or else you’ll come out looking hypocritical and egotistical.  Lord, help us look like love, demonstrate love, and cultivate love so we can look more like you. ~ Amen

Praise God

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with Thanksgiving.  This will please the Lord  more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hoofs.  The poor will see and be glad - you who seek God, may your hearts live! ~ Psalm 69:30-32

Our mouths speak thousands of words every single day.  Some of them are thoughtful, but most of them fill in the blank space and time.  How often are those words of praise, or thanksgiving to God?  What areas of your life are you most thankful for?  I’m sure you’ve told your friends, but have you thanked the Giver and Creator of all?  By glorifying and praising God, you are not only blessing God, but you are blessing everyone who witnesses your praise as you give them unspoken hope.  God delights in our praise and would rather have our attitude of gratitude over any ritualistic sacrifice.  And the more you praise God with thanksgiving, the more your relationship with the Almighty grows.  He promises to hear you and he promises to make known himself to those you seek Him.  He has the ability to touch many lives through the praise and thanksgiving of everyone.  Most of Psalm 69 is David lamenting to God about how bad he has had it, asking God to drown him, destroy his enemies and then even rescue him.  This Psalm sounds like a confused David who doesn’t know what he wants.  He cries out in pain, disapproval, then he asks for rescue and compassion before asking that God defeats his enemies before lifting up the poor and praising God.  Let’s be honest, I know I have prayed like that before.  I start with my heart groaning, and my eyes swelling only to be reminded of God’s glory and before I know it, I am praising God.  Let us always remember to bring our praise and thanksgiving to God.  He is most faithful! ~ Amen

Follow Light

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~ John 8:12

A flashlight, a bright candle, or even a single match can disperse darkness from a room enough for us to find our way around.  Campfires are one of my favorite forms of fire, or light as the beautiful flames glow and illuminate the night while we gather around keeping warm telling stories long into the night.  Jesus is that light for the whole world; the only light that will keep the darkness of our sinful beings at bay.  The only light that will keep you out of the worldly darkness is Jesus.  Most people understand how light works; you need light to see clearly obscured obstacles that may be in your way.  A child knows he sacred light can be as they may be fearful of the nighttime monsters that go away when darkness is dissipated with wondrous light.  In an instant, their fears are gone.  Jesus is that light to our spiritual lives and with Him you can illuminate his light to others and break the bonds of spiritual darkness for fellow believers and non-believers.  The enemy would love to keep as many people as he can bound up in endless lies, deceit and fear, but Jesus yearns for everyone to come to Him so they do not have to walk aimlessly in the dreaded dark anymore.  To know Jesus is to know the truth, and no longer be swallowed up by secrets, fear, lies, addiction, depression, anxiety and anything else that many people struggle with all by themselves.  The light to give you a new life! A life eternal.  Now I am not saying all those things aren’t real; they are very real, and they are hard to deal with on a day to day basis.  I have a son who deals greatly with anxiety and bouts of depression, but I tell you what; I don’t know how he, or anyone for that matter, can fight that battle without Jesus on their side.  And as his mom, even on his darkest days, I know that Jesus has him and that gives me tremendous peace.  It’s irreplaceable.  I have hope.  I know there is hope.  I know the light of the world.  And I know we don’t have to walk this darkness ever alone.  I have Jesus.  No one will ever be able to take my experience of watching my son being destructive with his life and yet I still had peace.  No one.  Too many people are swallowed up in confusion and darkness in this world and are going it alone.  We need to show up, walk beside them and show them the bright light that is the hope we have in Jesus!  I believe that some would even be miraculously set free!  They will have a new life!  Let’s go shine the light of the world! ~ Amen

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Crazy Chaos

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. ~ Isaiah 26:3

The world is full of crazy chaos and unhealthy decision are made everyday.  There seems to be confusion in our basic human identity and what was once wrong is now right.  A great many of us have turned our backs on loved ones merely because they think differently.  All of us have learned to keep a tight lid on our mouths in fear of accidentally offending someone.  When did people become so sensitive?  We used to celebrate differences all in the name of diversity, but these days diversity is only skin deep.  If you don't believe as others, that difference is no longer celebrated, but most likely you will be criticized and shamed.  Our world is upside down and with all the confusion, defensiveness, and ultra sensitivity, it's no wonder that we feel like we are always walking on eggshells. Here's a's okay if you don't get along with EVERYBODY.  There are appropriate times to have a strong backbone in your beliefs.  Don't waver!  We just need to do it with love and in a gracious way.  I know this is hard, it's contrary to our world.  But you know what, Jesus got angry......he just knew how to deal with his anger in a way that was pleasing to the Lord first.  Jesus didn't get along with EVERYBODY!  That's okay....He still loved them.  Completely, and I mean completely. Contrary to this world, we can agree to disagree and still keep our relationships in tact.  This is essential to us who are Jesus followers.  We need to learn to live HIS standards and love others who blatantly disregard our beliefs and feelings.  How do we do that?  It's easier said than done, but we are called to love people whether we agree with them, or flat out think they've lost their minds.  Maybe put it this "on" people.  Give them a kind word, or a complement; buy them lunch while your picking up yours; offer to watch their kids so they can go on a date with their spouse.  Do something that reflects the love of Jesus even if you don't agree with them all the time.  Show support; show love.  

The only way I have found to keep myself from the confusion of the world while still being able to love people the best I can is to stay grounded in His word daily, by prayer and by keeping my ears and heart open to what the holy spirit is telling me.  I find it vital to keep my mind and heart saturated in scripture and prayer.  There is indescribable power in memorizing scripture and being able to recite it when times are tough.  This means giving up my anxious thought and my relentless worry by trusting that God has everything handled.  When you stay steadfast and firm, God protects you from the chaos that may swirl around you.  When you rely on Him and intentionally find space and solace with Him, He will meet you and give you peace.  Even though this world doesn't always make sense, you can find comfort in knowing that God has you.  You don't have to rely on yourself.  Even through the midst of your busy day when you are confronted with ideas and beliefs that are not your own.  Peace.  Even in a world with blurred lines of right and wrong. Peace.  Even when you come across as "offensive" to the unbeliever, but you didn't mean too. Peace. Even as you learn to love others who would never step into a church. Peace. He can take your anxiety, calm your mind and give you tremendous peace.  And he can show you how to love others. 
~ Amen

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...