Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Residing Pain

What is with this blinding eyebrow headache I have had since this morning? The recommended daily dose of Tylenol, nor the flowing water going through my system has yet evicted this pain that has taken up residence in the frontal lobs of my head. UHG! Cody went to pick up Samuel from school and then he will go to pool league tonight at which point I will probably have to fight with my Sam to do his homework. Supposedly Samuel gets frustrated with the timing I pick to make him do his homework; he told his dad, "Homework is not so bad, it's just that mom always waits until I'm in the middle of something before she tells me I need to start it." HA! While I think he'd probably always be in the middle of something when I asked him to do it, I will take note of his statement. Samuel and Isaac both received buzz cuts over the weekend just in time for the chilly air, but I couldn't stand the 'sticking up smooth down' we had to do every morning before Samuel was pushed out the door for school. Happy meals from Sonic was the treat and dinner of the night if they would endure my request for shorter hair; so coney's and tots for all! Isaac can't STAND getting his hair cut; he whines the whole time because he doesn't like the sound of the clippers. Oh well....such is life. Today we had MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) and he said he got lots of compliments on his hair...so I know that made him feel like it was all worth it. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...