Monday, August 25, 2008

Store Outing

Oh why didn't I go to the store last night! I'll tell you why, because I decided to spend time with my husband by watching the movie Bucket List; which is a good movie if you haven't already watched it. Anyway, I really can't complain, I don't think going to the store with two kids is hard; I just prefer to go by myself when I can and now I don't have that luxury today. My husband is downstairs in his basement office putting together proposals he has for two appointments this week that are potentially pretty good sized. He meets with another client this afternoon over lunch at my favorite restaurant - Chili's; I have such fond memories of "office" lunches...good times. I miss those. Samuel is enjoying school and I have to admit that I'm getting used to and even learning to enjoy this all day school thing. He is loving school and that helps me, but I am amazed at how much the little girls I watch miss him; both of them had a melt down last week when he went off to school in the morning. Oh my goodness! Isaac misses his brother also, but he is used to the idea of him just being the only boy during the day and I have to say that he has taken the role of my helper on pretty good. Right now he is in fact combing Mickale's hair for the fun of it and she's letting him; I'm sure the quarter I give him for every time he runs up, or down the stairs for me also has helped him on taking this new role also. ~

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Entitlement Epidemic

This culture and society blows me away with the attitude that we are "owed" something, or what I like to tell my boys when they are acting snotty, "that's an ungrateful heart and I don't like it". One of my many prayers for my family is that God would give my husband and I the wisdom to raise our boys with a thankful and unselfish heart. In this world of 10 year olds getting their own cell phones; 15 year old drivers getting new cars before their license is even issued and twenty somethings with little to no respect for anything or anyone but themselves, I pray that I can raise boys above that. I pray that the things, attitudes, or the "entitlement epidemic" that I see in this world will not penetrate my children as much as their faith and servant hood to a God who gave up everything for them and us, lest we forget. Enough about that....Cody is out "garage selling" if you will, probably picking up more junk that we don't need, but it's a small pleasure of his during a short season in the have fun! Last night we went to dinner with some dear friends of ours (the above discussion took place over our delicious burgers) and we had a great time at Fudrucker's. YUMMY! Samuel is back in school and I have to tell you that the first day of first grade was much, much harder for me than the first day of kindergarten ever was. I don't like the fact that someone else has control over my child longer during his awake hours than I do (full day is killing me), but I know everyone has to go through I'll be okay too, right? ~

Monday, August 18, 2008

HIS Skills

Our humanness is so unique. We are amazing individuals with tons of talents, abilities and skills that may resemble one another, but that we all use in different ways. There are some with organization and detail skills, some with incredible people skills, some with magnificent visionary skills and some with great leadership skills just to name a few. There are circumstances and situations that my friends can navigate through with such skill that I am in awe of them and yet those same friends can be inspired by the way I seem to easily maneuver through the details of my life. However, no matter our skills, we must not forget who we got those skills from; who blessed us with our knowledge of our abilities and then helped us form them to ultimately work for HIS good. God has blessed me with talents that I need to use for his glory and I pray that he will show me how to do that daily. Enough of that...Cody and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary this weekend with a great getaway downtown Denver. We checked into our room at the Sheraton, than ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, went to see the movie Dark Knight and then finished our evening with dessert at the Rock Bottom. After breakfast the next morning we journeyed back home; we had a blast and I feel truly blessed to have the best husband in the world. Thanks Cody! ~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Too Big

The sound of kids dumping toy boxes and Lego's smashing together upstairs is making me go a little nutty, but I'm trying my hardest not to go up there and see what's going on. This new strategy I'm using in trying to be a little less worried about what they are doing upstairs is tearing me up inside, but my house is so much more peaceful when I'm only checking on them every 15 - 20 minutes instead of having to be watching their every move. Plus I know it's better for my kids while they're up there making a mess, I've learned that if I turn on some SIRIUS Christian Hits and stay downstairs I get a peaceful break and a lot done. Learning to let go of the control freak in me is a little harder than I thought it would be; what else is new? Cody is working on our garage door; I tell you, if it's not his car or work there is always something else for him to do. The garage door started going up only half way yesterday; not a life and death situation, but a bummer all the same. Samuel is upstairs enjoying his last week with his brother and the little girls I watch ; August 21st he starts first grade! On one hand I feel like he is getting so big and I get fearful of the influences that come into his life at school, but than I watch him play "house" with his brother and I am reminded of how much guidance and influence we still have on him. Thank God! ~

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Practice Parenting

I love being a mom. I love most everything about it, but there are days when I lose my patience at the drop of a hat and feel like my life is so mundane. When I was growing up my sister and I played dolls for hours until we were bored with them, or something better came along. Then we'd put our babies away and shriek off the pretend responsibility we had for them and pick back up when we felt like it. Now with our own families you can't do that; you need to be a place of security and leadership for your children - something I didn't have to do with those plastic, or cloth beings. However, my childhood children didn't love me back the way my children do now and I never had to think about being a strong, responsible and patient parent with my baby doll back than I guess it's okay when I lose my patience sometimes with my children of today because I'm still learning how to be the non-pretend parent at times. I just need to remember that God is the source of the extra strength, patience and encouragement that I sometimes need on a daily basis. Enough of that....Cody is getting things together for the appointment he has at 1:00 p.m. and then he's going to go spend some time with his oldest daughter, Chelsea. He will be back in time for the Lakeside adventure we have planned with the boys tonight so that we can use the free passes we have from the library reading program before they expire; YEAH!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Forever & Always

My 12th wedding anniversary is coming up in two weeks and while we've had our ups and downs; ebbs and flows I can say that I am a happily married woman. There was never a doubt going into this marriage that I wasn't in it for the long haul no matter what; I took our vows seriously and I made a commitment to God that day that I would give my 100% (whoever says marriage is 50/50 is full of it; it should be 100/100). My favorite times with my husband are those were there are things only him and I understand between each other; the time we spend together after the boys go to sleep; the gleams I get from his eye that I know are just for me; the tickle times in bed when I think he's being annoying, but it's actually kind of fun (sometimes); the inside jokes and the intimacy we share that no one else knows about, and I'm not just talking about in the bedroom. There have been countless intimate talks and walks; times we have become spiritually closer to each other and closer to God as a couple. Cody, thank you for all you do, all you are and all you've become; I am glad I said "yes" 12 years ago and I'd do it again. There are times when we absolutely can't stand each other, but I'm so glad that we've stuck it out when other people didn't think we had a chance. Forever & Always. ~

Friday, August 8, 2008

Engine Heat

Do any of us really know how much time we have left here on earth to enjoy friends and family? That's a dumb question, of course we don't; God and God alone knows the number of our years, months and days. If we really understood how precious life is and how little control we really have over our own lives, I think we would live more freely and have more a desire to please one another and God. There wouldn't be a world wrapped up in pettiness, strife, or constant comparison, but we'd be in a world that loves to help each other and knows what the calling to live for God means. Personally I look forward to the coming of Christ, but while I am here on earth I think I need to become more servant like to those around me and try my best to live as God would want me too. Enough of that...Cody is out running errands and I'm trying to figure out what floor would be easier or less work to try to tackle and clean during the kids' nap/rest time. My husband has been a busy little bee and driving all around creation in his new to us, but used ride only to discover that his 1992 Toyota could probably use a new thermostat. We just don't know if the black convertible really needs one because it really does, or because of the heat down here. In any rate, I guess the engine has been getting a little hot lately and so it's probably better to be safe than sorry on I-25. ~

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Crazy House

The house is all amok with children again as little Mickale has made her way back to our home for day care seems how her teacher mom and my friend had to already go back to work. It's amazing to me how much more work just one child can be and it's equally amazing to me how much more of a mess there is. Cody is over at our neighbors house retrieving a garage door opener for their home as we are taking care of their German Shepard over the weekend while they go camping. Every once in a while my husband gets an inkling to own a this will be good training for him; I on the other hand do not want another thing to take care of. Samuel and I went to his school today for the uniform exchange and suited him out for the year. There is nothing like buying enough school clothes for the entire year at about $60; I was thrilled! Isaac has been bugging me all day because I told him this morning that I was going to take them to the free movie at The Fillmore Theatre this evening. The movie (Muppets) isn't even starting until dawn, but I just had to tell them this morning after my friend and their adopted aunt Davida called to invite us and now I've listened to him ask for it all day. UG! Hopefully he won't be disappointed. ~

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Slipping Standards

Does this society adhere to any standards anymore? I am appalled at some of the discipline problems I see; not saying that I have it all together by no means, but why do we let children run the show? Just a thought that is running all over in my mind this morning as I watched a woman struggle with her tantrum throwing daughter in Wal-Mart only to see the frazzled mother give in and the girl smile with a big grin....totally knew that she had her mother where she wanted her. What about the standards of respecting elders, holding the door open for women and the elderly, not talking back to your parents, being kind enough to let the mean driver in front of you, or having enough self-control to hold your tongue during your four year old's t-ball game just to name a few. Okay, enough about that....Cody took Samuel to school this morning for Sam's first grade reading testing. His first grade teacher is Miss Hill and even though I have never met her, I've heard that she is fantastic from more than one I'm happy with that. Isaac is playing with the two girls I watch, Mickale and Maliya, upstairs and I can hear Isaac instructing them on how to play Rescue Rangers....ha! This fall I'm going to start working more intensely with Isaac and some pre K curriculum, although I'm pretty sure he'll be more than ready for kindergarten next year, but he has asked, "When can I start preschool with you, mommy?" No time like the present. ~

Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...