Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Too Big

The sound of kids dumping toy boxes and Lego's smashing together upstairs is making me go a little nutty, but I'm trying my hardest not to go up there and see what's going on. This new strategy I'm using in trying to be a little less worried about what they are doing upstairs is tearing me up inside, but my house is so much more peaceful when I'm only checking on them every 15 - 20 minutes instead of having to be watching their every move. Plus I know it's better for my kids while they're up there making a mess, I've learned that if I turn on some SIRIUS Christian Hits and stay downstairs I get a peaceful break and a lot done. Learning to let go of the control freak in me is a little harder than I thought it would be; what else is new? Cody is working on our garage door; I tell you, if it's not his car or work there is always something else for him to do. The garage door started going up only half way yesterday; not a life and death situation, but a bummer all the same. Samuel is upstairs enjoying his last week with his brother and the little girls I watch ; August 21st he starts first grade! On one hand I feel like he is getting so big and I get fearful of the influences that come into his life at school, but than I watch him play "house" with his brother and I am reminded of how much guidance and influence we still have on him. Thank God! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...