Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Practice Parenting

I love being a mom. I love most everything about it, but there are days when I lose my patience at the drop of a hat and feel like my life is so mundane. When I was growing up my sister and I played dolls for hours until we were bored with them, or something better came along. Then we'd put our babies away and shriek off the pretend responsibility we had for them and pick back up when we felt like it. Now with our own families you can't do that; you need to be a place of security and leadership for your children - something I didn't have to do with those plastic, or cloth beings. However, my childhood children didn't love me back the way my children do now and I never had to think about being a strong, responsible and patient parent with my baby doll back than either....so I guess it's okay when I lose my patience sometimes with my children of today because I'm still learning how to be the non-pretend parent at times. I just need to remember that God is the source of the extra strength, patience and encouragement that I sometimes need on a daily basis. Enough of that....Cody is getting things together for the appointment he has at 1:00 p.m. and then he's going to go spend some time with his oldest daughter, Chelsea. He will be back in time for the Lakeside adventure we have planned with the boys tonight so that we can use the free passes we have from the library reading program before they expire; YEAH!

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...