Monday, August 18, 2008

HIS Skills

Our humanness is so unique. We are amazing individuals with tons of talents, abilities and skills that may resemble one another, but that we all use in different ways. There are some with organization and detail skills, some with incredible people skills, some with magnificent visionary skills and some with great leadership skills just to name a few. There are circumstances and situations that my friends can navigate through with such skill that I am in awe of them and yet those same friends can be inspired by the way I seem to easily maneuver through the details of my life. However, no matter our skills, we must not forget who we got those skills from; who blessed us with our knowledge of our abilities and then helped us form them to ultimately work for HIS good. God has blessed me with talents that I need to use for his glory and I pray that he will show me how to do that daily. Enough of that...Cody and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary this weekend with a great getaway downtown Denver. We checked into our room at the Sheraton, than ate dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, went to see the movie Dark Knight and then finished our evening with dessert at the Rock Bottom. After breakfast the next morning we journeyed back home; we had a blast and I feel truly blessed to have the best husband in the world. Thanks Cody! ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...