Saturday, August 23, 2008

Entitlement Epidemic

This culture and society blows me away with the attitude that we are "owed" something, or what I like to tell my boys when they are acting snotty, "that's an ungrateful heart and I don't like it". One of my many prayers for my family is that God would give my husband and I the wisdom to raise our boys with a thankful and unselfish heart. In this world of 10 year olds getting their own cell phones; 15 year old drivers getting new cars before their license is even issued and twenty somethings with little to no respect for anything or anyone but themselves, I pray that I can raise boys above that. I pray that the things, attitudes, or the "entitlement epidemic" that I see in this world will not penetrate my children as much as their faith and servant hood to a God who gave up everything for them and us, lest we forget. Enough about that....Cody is out "garage selling" if you will, probably picking up more junk that we don't need, but it's a small pleasure of his during a short season in the have fun! Last night we went to dinner with some dear friends of ours (the above discussion took place over our delicious burgers) and we had a great time at Fudrucker's. YUMMY! Samuel is back in school and I have to tell you that the first day of first grade was much, much harder for me than the first day of kindergarten ever was. I don't like the fact that someone else has control over my child longer during his awake hours than I do (full day is killing me), but I know everyone has to go through I'll be okay too, right? ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...