Friday, August 8, 2008

Engine Heat

Do any of us really know how much time we have left here on earth to enjoy friends and family? That's a dumb question, of course we don't; God and God alone knows the number of our years, months and days. If we really understood how precious life is and how little control we really have over our own lives, I think we would live more freely and have more a desire to please one another and God. There wouldn't be a world wrapped up in pettiness, strife, or constant comparison, but we'd be in a world that loves to help each other and knows what the calling to live for God means. Personally I look forward to the coming of Christ, but while I am here on earth I think I need to become more servant like to those around me and try my best to live as God would want me too. Enough of that...Cody is out running errands and I'm trying to figure out what floor would be easier or less work to try to tackle and clean during the kids' nap/rest time. My husband has been a busy little bee and driving all around creation in his new to us, but used ride only to discover that his 1992 Toyota could probably use a new thermostat. We just don't know if the black convertible really needs one because it really does, or because of the heat down here. In any rate, I guess the engine has been getting a little hot lately and so it's probably better to be safe than sorry on I-25. ~

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Love Enemies

But love your enemies, do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great and you will...